Breaking | No GameCube Price Drop in Europe

By James Temperton 19.08.2004 1

GC to Remain at Current Price
Confirmation comes with official Nintendo statement

Rumours have been flying about the Internet for quite some time now and we were getting a bit annoyed at not being able to confirm or deny them. However, we now have official confirmation that the GameCube will not be dropping in price in Europe, thanks to a statement made to Cubed3 by Nintendo:

"We have no plans to reduce the price of GameCube in Europe, it is already at a great price and we have a very strong software lineup for the rest of the year including games such as Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Donkey Konga, Paper Mario 2 and Animal Crossing."

So there you have it, Nintendo will not be changing the price in response to recent movements by the competition.

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