Unravel's Beautiful Yarn World Explained

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.01.2016 3


EA's new side-scrolling puzzler is a beautifully woven adventure for next-gen consoles.

The adorable Yarny embarks on a journey across the world as an ickle yarn character, tethered by his stringy design to solve puzzles and explore a dangerous environment. In a new trailer for the game, Creative Director Martin Sahlin talks about how the concept came together and some of the challenges our brave hero faces in his trip through the harshness of Earth.

The physics-based puzzler Unravel is coming to Xbox One, PS4 and PC in February.


What do you think of the striking world of Unravel?

Box art for Unravel

Coldwood Interactive




2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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One of my wanted games that I won't be buying, due to EA Origins. Wish the game was with another publisher.

If it comes to Steam without the need of any bloat ware, then I'll pick it up right away.

Is it only coming out on Origin? Jesus.

Azuardo said:
Is it only coming out on Origin? Jesus.

I think so. Not sure how it works for consoles though. For PC you can pre-order from the Origins store currently and no Steam version has been announced yet. I don't think EA put their games on Steam any more. They do it through their own store, from what I gathered. That's why Mass Effect 3 never came to Steam.

I know some people might think I'm being silly, but the point is... I shouldn't need it. Steam is a legit platform and if I've paid for it on there, there's literally no need for Origins. I won't support EA until they get rid of it.

Origins is hated by the masses. I know for sure this game will get less PC sales because of it.

( Edited 20.01.2016 19:36 by Marzy )

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