Zelda Wii U Still on Track for 2016

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.11.2015 5

Zelda Wii U Still on Track for 2016 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The new Legend of Zelda game is still on track for a 2016 release, Nintendo teased earlier today.

With the 30th anniversary celebrations in store for the iconic adventure series next year, Nintendo are working hard on putting together the brand new tale on Wii U. Originally planned for a fall 2015 release, the game was delayed till next year and it seems Nintendo are still on track.

During Nintendo Direct this evening, a short clip of the game was teased, as the hooded Link emerged upon his horse within a stylised world.

In related news, Nintendo announced a female Link for Hyrule Warriors Legends, and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD was finally confirmed for a Wii U release next year.

What do you think of the look of the game so far?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild





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I would be surprised if this game launched any earlier than October, personally to give the NX the best chance it should really launch side by side with the new console and Wii U version, akin to Twilight Princess with the GC/Wii. 

I think this as a launch title for the NX would shift units and games! Having to wait another 4/5 years for an NX Zelda would be just as crazy as waiting for this one. The fact that this game has been in development longer than the probable life cycle of the Wii U is a joke!

yeah pretty much.

especially since nintendo is already hit the abandon ship button for wiiu at this point.

Id be surprised if the NX was out in 2016.
We will certainly see something of it, but 2017 seems more likely to me.

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Still reckon NX will be revealed at next years E3 and released Winter 2016, along with an enhanced version of Zelda (TP style).

so long as the NX is BC i dont care 

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