Impressions | Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat

By James Temperton 12.05.2004 1

Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat
Spank drums, run, jump, clap, slap and laugh until it hurts! Alexi tells all...

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This game totally sums up why we love Nintendo, and will continue to do so for a long time! Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat is a massive new adventure title for the GameCube, but that is not all. The best bit is that control of DK is done not by a standard GC controller, but the Donkey Konga bongo drums! Hilarious is the only word that we can think of, absolutely bloody hilarious!

For those of you that fail to see how a rhythm controller can work in a platformer, allow us to explain. You have to hit one of the drums to make DK move left or right, jumping it done by spanking both bongos at once, and a clap will cause DK to send out a force that will harm surrounding enemies. You can also interact with the environment through clapping, slapping and tapping. In a 3D world this game wouldn

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