WaveDash Wii U GameCube-inspired Controller Needs Crowdfunding

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.06.2014 3

WaveDash Wii U GameCube-inspired Controller Needs Crowdfunding on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Two friends have gotten together to launch a crowd-funding campaign to launch a wireless GameCube-inspired controller for Wii U.

Billed as the "WaveDash", the creators are hoping that the wireless peripheral would fill "the hole left in the Wii U gaming community for a modern controller with today's standard inputs." Due to licensing issues, the WaveDash doesn't follow the exact shape of the GameCube controller, but it does bare a similar layout and shape, together with a new right analogue stick.

Image for WaveDash Wii U GameCube-inspired Controller Needs Crowdfunding

The controller would be wireless, containing a USB rechargeable battery, plus two "Z" bumpers and a larger D-Pad. Both the analogue sticks would be clickable. The WaveDash is also said to function like the Wii Pro Controller, with no Wii Remote or adapter needed.

The team will also be present at E3 2014 to give attendees the chance to go, literally, hands-on with WaveDash.


WaveDash on Kickstarter

Will you pledge support for the new controller on Kickstarter?

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"the hole left in the Wii U gaming community for a modern controller with today's standard inputs."


I am very sick of having to buy yet another expensive thing to play a game, atleast with the smash bros usb adaptor i already own all the gamecube pads.

This is kinda what I wanted Nintendo do but with a wired controller instead. It looks nice but with the adapter coming out that will probably be cheaper, there's not really much point with this one. Still good if you don't have a pro controller and like the GC controller.

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