Exclusive New Sonic Boom for Wii U, 3DS - Debut Gameplay Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.02.2014 15

Exclusive New Sonic Boom for Wii U, 3DS - Debut Gameplay Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo UK has posted a first look at a brand new Sonic the Hedgehog game for Wii U and 3DS.

Big Red Button Entertainment are crafting the new game, following a reboot of the Sonic the Hedgehog series, with four playable favourites taking the platforming helm: Sonic, Knuckles, Tails and Amy, each with their own abilities - and it appears, weapons. It's a "totally different experience" compared to SEGA's own titles, with a mixture of close-range combat, fast-paced action sequences and platforming, said the publisher.

Image for Exclusive New Sonic Boom for Wii U, 3DS - Debut Gameplay Trailer

The new game is the third and final title as part of the Nintendo/SEGA agreement, developed by some of the folk who previously worked at Naughty Dog, the California based Big Red Button Entertainment.

Following on from the Nintendo-exclusive games, there'll also be a new CG TV series, with 52 eleven minute episodes set to air on Cartoon Network later this year.

As with all Sonic-reboots there'll also be a range of toys, racers and other SEGA merchandise.


Image for Exclusive New Sonic Boom for Wii U, 3DS - Debut Gameplay Trailer
Image for Exclusive New Sonic Boom for Wii U, 3DS - Debut Gameplay Trailer
Image for Exclusive New Sonic Boom for Wii U, 3DS - Debut Gameplay Trailer


What are your thoughts on the new look Sonic cast and game?

Box art for Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric





3D Platformer



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I'm digging everyones new design except Knuckles. They changed his body while keeping his face the same as before which makes him look weird. Character models definitely need to be touched up as well but this game does look promising.

( Edited 06.02.2014 21:56 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I despise the new designs. Sonic is even more lanky and creepy than in sonic 06. The actual game looks great but I hope they don't stick with these new looks. Their current looks are perfect. :-(

Dear god....

Yeeeeeah Knuckle's looks like he's been using too many protein shakes. Gameplay looks solid though, gad to see SEGA having a sense of Honor in supporting Nintendo & sticking true to their word...something Capcom & Square-Penis could learn to do.

How many more SEGA or Sonic games does Nintendo get exclusive again & does the 3DS & Wii U versions of Lost World count at 1 Sonic exclusive or 2?

( Edited 06.02.2014 22:34 by Vorash Kadan )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Looks, well, okay - though the gameplay could be a bit gimmicky and not quite "Sonic" - but really, what is a Sonic game these days anyway?

Models look fine, it's just the really shoddy texture work and designs that make the Wii U version look really last, last gen atm.

Vorash Kadan said:
How many more SEGA or Sonic games does Nintendo get exclusive again & does the 3DS & Wii U versions of Lost World count at 1 Sonic exclusive or 2?

3 exclusives (who knows, may expand beyond this initial contract):

- Sonic Lost World (Wii U / 3DS)
- Maz and Sonic at the Winter Olympics (Wii U / 3DS)
- Sonic Boom (Wii U / 3DS)

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Thanks JB. Well outside of Bayonetta 2 I hope to see more strong SEGA support for Nintendo. I'd KILL for exclusive rights to Shenmue & Panzer Dragoon HD ports or remakes as well as exclusive rights to their sequels.

( Edited 06.02.2014 22:50 by Vorash Kadan )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Thanks JB. Well outside of Bayonetta 2 I hope to see more strong SEGA support for Nintendo. I'd KILL for exclusive rights to Shenmue & Panzer Dragoon HD ports or remakes as well as exclusive rights to their sequels.

THIS ^^. If Nintendo funded Shen 3, that would win the internet.

Image for


Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

The character designs are all fine, except from Knuckles. He looks really really weird and I seriously hope they alter these designs before the game comes out. As for the in-game models, in some instances they look okay, but in others they look pretty cringeworthy.

I didn't realize this was a new Wii U / 3DS game. I just kept hearing about the new show.

Knuckles looks a little strange, but overall I like the new look.

jb said:
Vorash Kadan said:
Thanks JB. Well outside of Bayonetta 2 I hope to see more strong SEGA support for Nintendo. I'd KILL for exclusive rights to Shenmue & Panzer Dragoon HD ports or remakes as well as exclusive rights to their sequels.

THIS ^^. If Nintendo funded Shen 3, that would win the internet.

Image for


Oh god that hurts my eyes....The really unsettling thing about that pick is that I had the original toy as a child. Forgot his name but he was a villain in the Stretch Armstrong toys....you have raped a part of my childhood JB....are you proud of yourself now? T_T

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I think it looks awesome. Love the new character designs, more so Tails and Amy and the gameplay looks really fun. For me, the speed is what mostly breaks Sonic games, so this one might actually work really well control-wise.

Can't wait to see more!

darkflame (guest) 08.02.2014#12

Designs I am neutral on, but want to see more of the gameplay.

I often thought they could do a really nice open world sonic game, but I dought this is it.

The game sounds good, the entire main story is co-op.

Interesting to see it being developed by someone else other than Sonic Team. Maybe this could be a good step forward. Like others i am a little freaked by Knuckles, but if the game works well then i couldn't care! I wonder if they'll make any explanation for his excessive steroid use?

Sonic Boom is going to be the best signoff for the Sonic the Hedgehog series

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