Explore the World on Foot with Wii Street U Supporting the Balance Board

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.09.2013 3

Explore the World on Foot with Wii Street U Supporting the Balance Board on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest update for Wii Street U includes support for the Wii Balance Board to explore locations around the world on foot.

The mechanism is simple - take steps to move around a scene and shift weight to one side to change direction and look around. The new function, with support for the balance board, is now available as an update to download from today.

Image for Explore the World on Foot with Wii Street U Supporting the Balance Board

Wii Street U will be available as a free Nintendo eShop download until October 31st 2013.


Will you explore the world from Wii U?

Box art for Wii Street U








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Can't you just 'lean forward' instead of taking steps??

Cool feature that could be used well with the Wii Fit U Activity Meter.

Canyarion said:
Can't you just 'lean forward' instead of taking steps??

Doesn't it measure side to side shifting of weight?

I realized that they're using the lean forward/back function to look up/down. So that's why they have to go with the (imo) annoying step-mechanism.

And yeah, that would actually be awesome, link U Fit to Street U!

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