Sakurai Explains Why Fighting Characters Are Unlikely for Super Smash Bros.

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.07.2013 3

Sakurai Explains Why Fighting Characters Are Unlikely for Super Smash Bros. on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Masahiro Sakurai was quizzed this week into including characters in Super Smash Bros. already found in other fighting games.

Sakurai has been upfront with fans when it comes to character development and rosters with the upcoming Super Smash Bros. titles. The producer was recently asked by GamesTM magazine on whether or not fighting characters, for example from Street Fighter or Tekken, would ever make the cut.

The short answer is Sakurai isn't too keen.

"The biggest feature we look at in Smash Bros. is, 'What does this character bring to Smash Bros. that other characters don't?'

If you look at someone from a fighting game already, and people like fighting with this character, rom my point of view, it's like 'this guy does what this guy already does.' He fills the role that this character already has."

Despite Mega Man appearing in the Marvel vs Capcom series before, Sakurai noted that his inclusion was a very special case.

What are your thoughts on including traditional fighting characters like Ryu, Ken etc in Super Smash Bros.?

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i find this to be rather exciting actually, im so glad cheap fighting characters like heihachi have no chance of being in smash bros, although ryu could have been very fitting, he would have an extremely predictable moveset

Hmmm but i could see a Soul Calibur character making the cut maybe. If they refined the sword play then i can't see why they couldn't be like a Marth/Roy/Ike type of character.

Would be great to see Ken/Ryu in Smash but I could also live without, i'd rather they focus on bringing characters from games like Pandora Tower/Xenoblade/Professor Layton/Pheonix Wright etc etc

^^ Would love an SC character like Misurugi and/or Sophita, they'd work imo.

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