Japanese Hardware Charts | GameCube Hits High Note!

By Adam Riley 14.12.2003 1

Japanese Hardware Charts...
...Week Ending 7th December, 2003!

1.) PlayStation 2: 105,594
2.) Game Boy Advance SP: 40,464
3.) GameCube: 38,096
4.) Game Boy Advance: 5,867

5.) Xbox: 2,939
6.) PSone: 514

Well, let us just ignore the dominance of Sony's second console for the moment and focus on Nintendo. The GameBoy Advance: SP seems to have levelled out in the run-up to Christmas, probably because Nintendo refuses to lower its price at all due to the already high sales. It currently still holds the 2nd place spot with sales of just over 40,000, but imagine what it would sell if Nintendo reduced the price of a) the hardware, b) the damn expensive software! In the meantime, people are finally taking advantage of the new, cheaper, more attractive GameCube, with sales rising once again to new heights of just under 40,000 units. Not bad for a company that analysts keep insisting should become a Third Party developer...Also, there is the original GameBoy Advance, which last week passed through nearly 6,000 units. People bemoan the ridiculous sales of the PS2 (over 100,000 sales last week...that certainly is bloody crazy!), but think about the unpublicised, original GBA that is shifting twice the amount of XBOXs! Oh, and notice how the XBOX has fallen from the ladder and is sliding down a snake again? Yes, that is even with the out-of-this-world mega-bundle that is currently available. Give it a few more weeks and we will see Microsoft's system drop back down to its normal levels, in other words battling with the PSone...

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