Yuji Naka Still Says no to NiGHTS

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.07.2010 5

Yuji Naka Still Says no to NiGHTS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With SEGA's attempt at recapturing the NiGHTS dream for Wii a nightmare for fans, Yuji Naka still doesn't want to revisit the series.

The past designer for SEGA and producer for the original NiGHTS into Dreams game on the Saturn recently spoke to fansite Nights into Dreams about the original and once again feels that it wouldn't be right for him to revisit the franchise.

Naka has likened the game on various occasions to the film E.T, where he felt that Steven Spielberg wouldn't create a sequel because it did so well and was one of his earlier works.

He wasn't asked about the Wii sequel, developed internally with SEGA and without his input, but we can imagine he'd disclose some of his own nightmares.

  • Nights into Dreams Fansite interview with Yuji Naka
  • Box art for NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams





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    Not every game needs to have a sequel.

    PMD said:
    Not every game needs to have a sequel.

    Yet some games just NEEEEEEEED a re-dubbing.

    It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

    PK Mongoose said:

    Yet some games just NEEEEEEEED a re-dubbing.

    I agree. The dub in the new Nights game was the pits. I have not played much of it because of the VA's, and the BGM is not that better either. I liked the old one better because it had good music and the levels were a lot better then the ones in the Wii version.

    ( Edited 14.07.2010 21:05 by Super Sonic )

    SuperYoshi6 PSN name
    3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

    Just release the PS2 remake outside of Japan please. :/

    Ikana said:
    Just release the PS2 remake outside of Japan please. :/

    This is SEGA. They don't do things like that unless they will sell well. If the PS2 version of Nights was selling well in Japan then it would have been released in Europe loooong ago. SEGA just don't have the motivation to make a good Nights game after the first. I mean the pinball section in Sonic Adventure was better than the sequal for Wii.

    SuperYoshi6 PSN name
    3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

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