Henry Hatsworth Sequel Coming to Nintendo DS?

By Adam Riley 14.05.2009 5

Henry Hatsworth Sequel Coming to Nintendo DS? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The creator of Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure on DS has hinted about a potential sequel. Cubed3 recently gave the intriguing platform/puzzle genre mix adventure an impressive 8/10, urging gamers to snap up this hidden gem (review here). Speaking in a recent interview, Kyle Gray (who recently left EA Tiburon to go independent) was asked if he would come back to help EA if a sequel was greenlighted and his response was:

If I got a call from EA that gamers were clamouring for a second Hatsworth (call me EA!) then I'd once again don my bowler hat and set to work on the sequel. I think we only managed to scratch the surface of British stereotypes, and I've love to broaden out - into French stereotypes, for example!

He also revealed that now he has gone solo he is considering working on WiiWare, iPhone and DSiWare because they provide great opportunities for small teams of two or three people to create innovative games. In fact, he has already begun work on a WiiWare game with some of the folk behind World of Goo:

Since I left I've been talking with a friend about making an iPhone game and have started working on a WiiWare title with my good friends Kyle Gabler and Allan Blomquist - who you might know from the excellent WiiWare game, World of Goo!

Would you like to see a Henry Hatsworth sequel? Do not forget to read C3's review of the first DS game here.

Box art for Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Out now   

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YESPLEASE! This game was one of those "had no idea just pick it up it's cheap" and wow, best decision ever. The mix of platforming with puzzle is just brilliant. Great fun. A sequel is a must.

Oh yeah, bring on a sequel. The game has so much potential for an awesome series/franchise.

gram (guest) 31.12.2009#3

SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie please bring on the sequel. I loved it. My favorite game ever.

velvet (guest) 19.05.2010#4

This is the best platform game I've ever played, I can't wait for a sequel. Henry Hatsworth will go into the history as one of the best games ever

tessa (guest) 05.01.2011#5

this was the best came ever! a sequel would blow my mind. please doooiiiitttt Smilie

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