Square Enix News......Good for Nintendo Fans?In the latest issue of the Japanese V-Jump magazine, Square Enix representatives talk about how the ten different teams (originally eight from Squaresoft and two from Enix - now merged under Square Enix) are coming along in terms of game developments. Two of these teams may well be of great interest to Nintendo fans, and these are as follows: Production Team 2 (headed by Akitoshi Kawazu), andProduction Team 8 (headed by Kouichi Ishii) Team 2 have recently finished the exclusive Nintendo GameCube title Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles that is performing considerably well in the Japanese charts as of now. It has a brand new title in development at the moment, but is not permitted to reveal it to the public just now. Team 8 previously worked with Brownie Brown on the remake of Seiken Densetsu, Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu (or Sword of Mana to Westerners). Nothing specific has been announced in terms of new titles, but it has been stated that the Secret of Mana series should definitely be established as a real fantasy series, and considering the remake's excellent Japanese sales there is a strong chance of another iteration on a Nintendo format in the near future. Here's hoping for a new version of the previously Japan-only SNES game Seiken Densetsu 3! Please Post Your Comments Below!