First Excitebots: Trick Racing Wii Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.03.2009 18

First Excitebots: Trick Racing Wii Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have let loose the debut trailer for wacky spin-off racer, Excitebots: Trick Racing.

Throwing pies, bowling and transforming vehicles defining features of Excitebots, as Nintendo ventures into the high-paced racing scene again on Wii. You'll be able to tear up the surrounding and ever-changing terrain to earn bonuses to unlock vehicle specific abilities.

What do you think of Nintendo's latest racer?

Thanks to Mario_0 for the tip.

Box art for Excitebots: Trick Racing








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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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hmmm...looks very similar to Excite Truck, which I liked the one time I played but never had an urge to play again.

Also, it looks like it is only 2-player.

I'm getting fed up by the happy family play looks... give me games please!

Also, in motion, you can see the speed's been faked by adjusting the field of vision. That really sucks.

Will. Not. Buy.

Bought F-zero GX once and never looked back at another racing game again. That superb quality has not been beat yet in my opinion!

Looks awesome. Will probably buy it! The trickery looks less \"annoying\" than I expected it to turn out.

But 2 player only again? Jesus Christ Nintendo.

EDIT; erv, did you play ExciteTruck? Because from that comment it really doesn\'t sound like it. ExciteTruck was excellent, and this looks to be the same but better.

( Edited 10.03.2009 15:50 by SuperLink )

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SmilieI'm still kinda disappointed in this game. Why couldn't they just kept normal trucks. I was really looking forward to a sequel. IMO it looks like there will be to much stuff going on during the raceSmilie

Looks good, I might actually get it. I always wanted to get the original excite truck.
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Well I'm hoping the football and bowling parts will be optional, and that there will be an honest to good racing mode like in ExciteTruck.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Excite Truck was surprisingly decent, my bro kept pwning so I didn't play it so much. Hopefully they won't make it too wacky/gimmicky with this one.

That said, still want a next-gen F-Zero. COME ON.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Looks awesome.

But 2 player only again? Jesus Christ Nintendo.

Well it features 6 player online.
I wonder if that will allow for 2 players on each console to go online like in mario kart, that would be decent.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^


Super Sandwich! Smilie

Wow, looks pretty good. I'll probably get it. And now, I wish I still had Excite Truck.Smilie

I want too make myself a Super Sandwich


I'm sure he's on the case. This super sandwich should be a breeze for Keven.

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Robertd1138 said:

Also, it looks like it is only 2-player.

I'm sure when they announced it, they said it was up to 4 players locally with 6 players online.

It looks great, the island level looks almost exactly the same as the one in Excite Truck.

Some of the Bots( i.e the bat) look like they're F-Zero racers. I hope they release an F-Zero on Wii aswell, I wouldn't mind Monster Games making F-zero.

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Looks decent. I want to see more of it in action before I pass judgement.

Looks quite good to me.
Its no Fzero, but it isnt trying to be. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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