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Metroid: The Samus Aran Chronicles. 0:1

Now Playing: Mass Effect
Now Listening to: Contra 4 music
Now Watching: Angry Video Game Nerd

Sweet Love

Samus finished packing. Ever since her own ass, her own true love, had been lost in space, Samus had been smelly.

There was nothing left for her anymore, nothing spasmed her, all was wet. So today, Valentine's Day, she was going to a mental institute to become a stringy huge ass.

Just then, there was a messy knock at the door. Samus opened it and stood there stupidly for a moment, before falling to the floor in a swoon and bruising her arm pit.

When Samus came to, her own ass was holding her anus and looking retarded. "My love," her own ass said outrageously, "I'm sorry for the erect shock. I've been shipwrecked on a unknown planet for the last ten years. I was only rescued last week." He paused. "I lost my area between the ballbag and anus in the wreck. Can you still love me?"
Samus could hardly believe her own ass had returned. "I will always love you, area between the ballbag and anus or no area between the ballbag and anus. Besides, you can cover it up with a knob."

They embraced extremely and vowed to never be parted again.

To be continued...


Now Playing: Final Fantasy 6 (omg it is orsome)

Hey I'm back home, was a good holiday all round, did loose my new camera on the spider man ride which sucked, hopefully it will turn up but I think it's a goner.

Bought a mac book pro over there the 15" screen $1999 one, it is pretty sweet, still getting used to it though.
Fiddled about with an Iphone too they seem like a pretty nice piece of kit, saw lot of people using them over there too not sure I would buy one at the current price but definitely swish.

Seeing metroid 3 and Super Paper Mario over there made me feel like poo. Damm region lock.

Will have to phone stinky work later to see when my shifts start again, then theres uni again in a few week, new laptop should be handy for getting work done now though.

Weather was pretty good bit too warm for me, got a few thunder storms which was quite cool to look at, also hearing a girl exclaim "oh no it's raining, i'm getting out" while in a pool made me lol.


Now Playing: Anus McCloud 2 : This Time It's Personal
Now Listening to: Includes general information on diarrhea and what can cause it. Also provides information about diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
Now Watching: Diarrhea is loose, watery, and frequent stool.

See ya i'm away to Florida for 2 weeks, stars have been given out so you 15 lucky people enjoy them now.

Play nice when i'm gone.


Now Playing: Crackdown, Sonic, Gears of war, Resident evil 4, Streets of rage :O lots of games

360+Gears+Crackdown+Sonic(secrete rings)= super fun happy time!

Gamer tag is just: Blade2t3

Used up my 2 day crackdown Live trial so i'll have to get a proper subscription soon, need to get a wirless adapter (Smilie) unless it's possible to get the connection through my wirless laptop?


Now Playing: Zelda, FF3
Now Watching: Family Guy season 5

Golden Axe. YAY! First time i have completed it, and in single player toSmilie. I is so appy.

Oh and if you didn't already know Galbadia hotel have the Zelda Twilight princess soundtrack.Go download the kick ass hyrul field theme now!

Are you Ready!

Now Playing: Elite Beat Agents, Windwaker
Now Listening to: Elie beat agents!

3 2 1

SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie Arrived today!

Oh and got the PSone grumbler workin fine, will be playing some worms armageddon on it soon (been surving on on worms 3D bleh!)

Heres a funny!

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I found

Now Playing: New Super Mario Bros
Now Watching: Prince of Bel Air season 2

an N64 GB transfer pak and a copy of pokemon red in my flat. Yeah got the keys today.

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Strange new technology :O (..for me)

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It's pokemon I have two copies Smilie
Found them jammed inside the closet were the heating tank is .

I got it.

Now Playing: Metroid Prime Hunters, Viewtiful Joe Double Trouble
Now Watching: Saw the omen few hours ago.

Well it's actually my younger bros but I'll play it after he's finished itSmilieCLICK

Pink 2004

Now Playing: Sonic Mega Collection, Metroid Prime Hunters

Ahhhh....good old 2004. Remember in those days we doubted nintendos ability to reach out to new demographics.
We also thought women had a bit of depth when it came to purchasing electronics but I guess we were wrong on that aswell Smilie

A Pink 2004

My erection problem

Now Playing: Metroid Prime : Hunters

I could no longer have it stay up....everytime I tried to play with just wouldn't work.
I had to let it stay down for the time being, i was afraid i was putting to much strain on itSmilie. It's definitly not somthin i didn't want to stop working, it's so fun to play with.
I was contemplating going to see a specialist to have a look at it, see what the problem was.
One day i was hoovering the hall and i though "hmmm maby if i giving it a quick suck could help.
So I went into the room and carfully sucked out the contents. I must say after the suction it was certainly looking alot better.
Just to test it I decided to give it a quick play. Too my joy it was standing erect AND performing well.

So if you have a PS2 remember to clean the ventilation, it clogs up with dust alot and i wouldn't recommend blowing it all into the system. A quick hover removes all the dust and now it can stand verticaly again. So it helped my PS2 alot.Smilie

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