Bravely Default (Nintendo 3DS) - Friend Codes, Trades and Chat

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Share Bravely Default (Nintendo 3DS) friend codes, online trades and chat live.

I just started playing a few days ago. It sucks because I tried so hard to find the game and they sold out but finally NOW i have it Smilie Please add me as a friend my code is 3239-4331-0183
Thank you so much have a great day!!!!

Add me 2595-0081-2007 or go here,¬if_t=feed_comment

FC : 4871-5223-7056

will add asap =]


Fc  3368-1580-0025 =]

Add me 3282-3605-7073

Add me please 2294-5020-7938

hi guys can you add me pls Smilie 0361-7581-1766


hey guys i started playing this game like a week ago and i already have a little over 40 hours played. this has become my addiction add me so we can become friends Smilie

Here's my friend code! Smilie

Added c:

Add me as well  3754-8322-5523 and pm me back with your code if you would

Hi my friend code is 3196-3730-4267 
Add me and send me a message I will add you back.

( Edited 06.04.2014 18:51 by Hazmatt )

HI my name is Chris and my friend code is 2079-7983-5843. Plz add me and send me ur reply. I will add you back.

( Edited 13.04.2014 17:21 by raiza14 )

hllo my name is David and my friend code is 3239-2293-3036. please add me and send reply so i can add

0232-9819-2173 plz add send me your code also cheers

ADD MEEEEE 0791-3033-9785 And tell me you added me so i can get your code and add you Smilie ill check this everyday Dmrmoon i added you
My name is Sinnestor

( Edited 24.05.2014 06:25 by Sinnestor )

add me 0232-8049-9350 looking for endgame friends,mention me when you add me so i can add you back Smilie

Hey guys just got this game the other day and need some friend summons (noob so I'm terrible at this game right now but expect growth fast). 
FC=1263-6681-6880 Mention me in comments when you add!

Our member of the week

Jd Frazier said:
Hey guys just got this game the other day and need some friend summons (noob so I'm terrible at this game right now but expect growth fast). 
FC=1263-6681-6880 Mention me in comments when you add!

I'll add you right away, so add me back please Smilie. FC: 3737-9591-1395. I'm pretty much near the end of the game. My summon is crap for now, but I'll update it as soon as I get my SP back to full to invoke Bravely Second and exceed 9999 damage Smilie. I have all jobs mastered so if you abilink me, you'll get access to all the abilities right off the bat Smilie.

( Edited 30.09.2014 01:48 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

hi im looking for more FCs
my fc is 3626-0420-0613

( Edited 09.10.2014 02:42 by Lonnie Barrar )

Hey everyone, would love to add more friends in game. Add me and message me and I will make sure to add you in return. All adds welcome and encouraged Smilie Bravely Default  FC : 1332-8072-8369

Add me! 5473-0062-2854 Jecht. I just added everyone on this thread!

( Edited 10.12.2015 07:50 by Chance71189 )

Comment on Bravely Default (Nintendo 3DS)

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Also known as

Bravely Default: For the Sequel






Turn Based RPG



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