So...Is The GameCube Doomed Or What?

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Firstly, you shouldn't trust everything you find out on the net. There are rumours flying around about EA pulling it's software from the GameCube yet in the recent interveiw with Miyamoto there was something said about Nintendo working with EA. There were also rumours about Codemasters stopping GameCube development, but if you look at news on this site you will see this isn't true.

Now onto my main point.

GameCube didn't sell as well as expected by Nintendo last. This doesn't mean Nintendo are in trouble in any way. It just means they didn't reach the profit levels they thought they would (which were very high anyway). The problem is that people assume too much. They don't wait until they know everything and post the bad news on various web sites. Things keep on going on like this and things escalate until there are various rumours going around the internet.

This should have taken the post in a complete circle so I will stop now.

jeseusraz, there are, only 5 good games on XBOX though,

in no order at all

1: Halo
2: Splinter cell
3: timesplitters 2
4: unral championship
5: Project gotham

well thats just my opinion

add Sega GT 2002, JSRF among others.

The greatest thing ... You�ll ever learn ... Is just to love ... And be loved, in return

i think only jet set radio future and halo are good games.

other are good, but they're not exclusive so it dosnt matter

oh well ive got one and thats all that matters!


The greatest thing ... You�ll ever learn ... Is just to love ... And be loved, in return

Fable! It's all about Fable people!!! Smilie

Cubed� Reporter / News, Article, & Download Administrator / Forum Moderator / Writer / Head of PR

Michael Moore | Bowling For Columbine | Jebus Is Lord

This link proves that one man's meat is another man's poison. Its all about what you enjoy, what you hate, etc. It reminds me of people who slag off TV programmes - if ya don't like it, switch it off. If you don't like XBox, don't buy one or play on one. its as simple as that. Same for PS2.

I still maintain that each console has something to offer. For me, it was always going to be a GC as I lurv Zelda and most things Ninty. For others, that just aint so. That's life.

Finally - competition, as I and others have already said, is a very good thing.

Old Man / Font of all useless knowledge

Yep. Everyone wins bar the manufacturers! Smilie

Cubed� Reporter / News, Article, & Download Administrator / Forum Moderator / Writer / Head of PR

Michael Moore | Bowling For Columbine | Jebus Is Lord

Anordara wrote:
...It reminds me of people who slag off TV programmes - if ya don't like it, switch it off....

Like with Lan Jam - I didn't like it, so I switched it off.

Then pulled the plug out of the socket, grabbed the TV, launched it out the window...Went into the kitchen and washed my eyes out with Domestos.

Squeaky clean Smilie


Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Yeah im really looking forward to Fable and jesusraz im gonna die from laughing to much in a minute!

Smilie Smilie Smilie Smilie

The greatest thing ... You�ll ever learn ... Is just to love ... And be loved, in return

lol, i didnt like Lan Jam so i put it on Mute!!! Smilie

If and i mean IF nintendo done a sega imagine loading up zelda on a ps3. i just couldn't do it

Joshuat209 wrote:
If and i mean IF nintendo done a sega imagine loading up zelda on a ps3. i just couldn't do it

Hey! No mentioning Sony hardware in the hallowed halls of the GameCube forum or I'll have to ban you, even if you are slagging them off. Smilie j/k

I know what you's just......not.....right. I feel dirty at the thought. Smilie

I'd have got away with it too If it wasn't for those meddling kids.

But did Sega fans ever think Sonic would appear on a Nintendo console? They must have felt the same way...

Cubed� Reporter / News, Article, & Download Administrator / Forum Moderator / Writer / Head of PR

Michael Moore | Bowling For Columbine | Jebus Is Lord

Yeah they probably did...But think about it: Nintendo and Sega, Mario and Sonic...Bitter rivals for many years. It's was quite fitting that the first to drop out of the console race supported the other's console with their main mascot. It was all to do with respect...respect for your rivals.

It's different with Sony and MS - they've not earned anyone's respect, and don't ever deserve to. Wafting money around under people's noses isn't exactly the trickiest thing to do (if you've got the funding of course!). It would be a sin if Nintendo's main characters had to go to the PS?? or the XBill solely due to S & M (ooh!) squeezing them out of the market with their fat wads (oooh!).

Hehe, you hopefully get my point...


[ Edited by jesusraz on 2003/2/26 21:30 ]

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

nawtylitlbeever wrote:
perhaps if nintendo advertised better it would be more popular. hardcore gamers must hate nintendo because of it's attitude towards europe. doesn't it know that europe will become a larger market through advertising?

Good point. Advertising is not the answer however...Nintendo has always sold units on merit and loyalty in recent years. I agree that dishing Europe as a minor market discourages gamers in the marketplace. Or rather I believe the UK should be separated from Europe for gaming purposes.

I don't honestly know if continental European nations get their fare translated or not, but why the UK suffers such a huge delay in the scheme of things beggars belief.

Delays only encourage corruptive and fraudulent ventures like Freeloader...

yeah, but SEGA were more like Nintendo, not like SONY, i imagined Sonic on the GCN.

i could see mario on the xbox2 but not on the ps3

No i think the gamecube is doing well it's doing better then the n46 was but i liked the n46 games. That's what i think

raz your point about respect, i can relate to that when talking about MS, but Sony have my respect, the fact is that the PS2 would not be here without Nintendo refusing to have a CD based console(made for them by Sony), so they put 2 fingers up to Ninty(blind and stubborn as usual) and did it themselves because they believed in what they were doing. How can you not respect that?.

The Gamecube will not struggle as it is big in japan and this is all that matters to nintendo, remember that although the dreamcast failed everywhere else, it didnt fail in japan and games are still made for it.

As for the UK it is already on a decline in this country, look at the AAA games of Mario and Starfox they hardly dented the top 40 charts. As for the USA only Metroid Prime has had a major impact so far(Zelda will be the 2nd).

It will be intresting to see what happens in the next 12 month's. If they release all the games that they have stated(Mario Kart in particular) then they may be able to make a bigger impact in the UK. If they don't then i fear the worst and it will go down the Dreamcast route, here's hoping.

When you cycled by

Here began all my dreams

The saddest thing I�ve ever seen

And you never knew

How much I really liked you

Because I never even told you

Oh, and I meant to

Are you still there ?

Or ... have you moved away ?

Or have you moved away ?

...raz your point about respect, i can relate to that when talking about MS, but Sony have my respect, the fact is that the PS2 would not be here without Nintendo refusing to have a CD based console(made for them by Sony), so they put 2 fingers up to Ninty(blind and stubborn as usual) and did it themselves because they believed in what they were doing. How can you not respect that?...

Hmm, you make it sound like Nintendo was the bad guy in the 'SNES PlayStation' deal. Sony got greedy and wanted to alter the original deal, which of course Nintendo didn't agree with - thus their hasty retreat from the co-project. Then Sony decided to take what help Nintendo had poured into the project and then just add some modifications and throw money at the likes of Namco and Squaresoft to get them to jump aboard the Luurve Train (PSX).

Sony's failures at developing a decent console for themselves were brutally exposed come the release of the PS2 - don't you remember the terrible reports that come rushing out of Japan at launch? Then the same problems plagued both the US and European debuts...and the system has only survived due to Nintendo still reeling from being blasted by a console that they were originally involved with, and the barrage of adverts from the deep-pocketed Sony (oh, and gullible consumers of course).

That's why the company doesn't have my respect...

But hey, different people, different viewpoints Smilie

[ Edited by jesusraz on 2003/2/27 23:42 ]

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I was under the impression that Nintendo got cold feet about changing from a cart based console to a CD based one and pulled out of the deal with Sony.

When you cycled by

Here began all my dreams

The saddest thing I�ve ever seen

And you never knew

How much I really liked you

Because I never even told you

Oh, and I meant to

Are you still there ?

Or ... have you moved away ?

Or have you moved away ?

That's the problem with topics such as this, there are a lot of conflicting reports out there in Internet land...So I could be wrong, you could be wrong, or we could both be way off the mark!

Tsk...C'est la vie d'un chien...erm?


Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

i was quite suprised that all they're favourate games were actualy half decent.

i was expecting them to pick polly-pockets-dream-land-full-of-fun-and-excitement

or something along those lines....

Tsk...C'est la vie d'un chien...erm?

Pas la vie d'un chien, la vie d'un singe.

Cubed� Reporter / News, Article, & Download Administrator / Forum Moderator / Writer / Head of PR

Michael Moore | Bowling For Columbine | Jebus Is Lord

who when what where^^^????


The greatest thing ... You�ll ever learn ... Is just to love ... And be loved, in return

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