FUCK Ubisoft, how did you get to be SO AWESOME. >=[
( Edited 03.09.2008 15:21 by SuperLink )Welcome to the Cubed3 forums! Join us today - it takes just 20 seconds to start posting! Sign Up for Free Account Login
FUCK Ubisoft, how did you get to be SO AWESOME. >=[
( Edited 03.09.2008 15:21 by SuperLink )Ubisoft hasnt just jumped the shark, they have got eaten by it.
I bet lots of people are saleing stocks in the company fast.
This sort of lineup wont make profits for anyone. Its like fireing a shotgun full of crap at a wall.
Casual or new games dont like shit either Ubisoft.
You have saturated the market with rubbish, and completely lost the respect of gamers.
Good going!
How can anyone not be excited by Petz Sports: Dog Playground!
Autumn 2008 can't come soon enough!
I'm soooo hoping for a Catz version and a GuineyPigz version!
OMG that has to be the shittest line up any company has EVER provided lol.
Is there anything in particular that catches your eye?
The bottom three games have a chance of being good.
The rest...
Ubisoft must have a malicous drive of us sending this list of gold and enjoying being bashed by it.
I lost faith in all the games, I actually read all the titles (living-time gone forever!) and finally catched Rayman. Casual game gone right.
BUT not giving us a new Prince of Persia game when the series was a light in dark Gamecube days is not nice of Ubisoft. They make a third of their cash with casual games, so they can bring the customers, who they do milk, a bit of a great looking game.
They even cut Beyond Good & Evil\'s Wii version (aka \'never considered one\'!). Thanks, Ubi, for throwing Wii into the deep brown mass...
P.S.: Love the picture, Phoenixus. Have a star for that!
( Edited 04.09.2008 08:19 by Laurelin )"and finally catched Rayman. Casual game gone right."
The first game had fantastic humour, but was repedative,dull, and....broken.
Much of it just didnt work. Some bonus's LITTARLY couldnt be got.