OMFG.. The water in that third pic.. I'm speechless..
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OMFG.. The water in that third pic.. I'm speechless..
Ino Faust said:... so am I?
OMFG.. The water in that third pic.. Im speechless..
This is fucking amazing. Wow, look at those really cool graphics LOLO XD
Why does the sequel look worse than the original, why? PS1.5 port?
Why do they release Screenshots from extremely fast-paced games? They sure look like shit, because they have to be reduced in polygon-count to stay fluid!
Laurelin said:
Why do they release Screenshots from extremely fast-paced games? They sure look like shit, because they have to be reduced in polygon-count to stay fluid!Noobs!
It's no excuse for the water looking as pixelated as it does.. The only instance where I've seen this is in DS-games..
jb said:'Cos it's on Wii, & the Wii is only powerful enough for PS1 games. They make games ground up for the PS1 & then tack controls on them to port them to the Wii.
Why does the sequel look worse than the original, why? PS1.5 port?
I feel sorry for the PS2 fans, it's all the Wii's fault they get these crappy looking games.
All Sonic fans should be shot. That is the only way to stop Sega producing this utter utter bilge. Do not buy it. Don't read about it. Don't even look at it, because if one of you 'hog-loving bastards buys this thing after reading some review that said it 'isn't that bad' they'll make another one. Then another one. Then Sonic Safari. And Sonic Flight Sim. Then Sonic-fucking-Kart.
If anybody here gives Sega money for this I, or one of my mediators, will visit you in the dead of night and cut you.
SEGA don't make it, Sonic Team do. SEGA are just as worried about Sonic Team as the rest of us are, it's pretty much the sole reason Sonic & Mario isn't being made by Sonic Team. It's 'cos they suck big time.
I liked the first game, but this genuinly looks worse, a year later too, one of them for a 7th gen console.
& just so you know artmonkey, there already is a "Sonic Kart" of sorts. Sonic Drift 1 & 2 for Game Gear, a looong time ago ^^
Give me a mega sequel to Sonic R and I'll buy it in boxes. BOXES, people. BOXES!
jb said:Agreed. Me want Sonic racing game with a huge cast of characters where you get to run fast.
Give me a mega sequel to Sonic R and Ill buy it in boxes. BOXES, people. BOXES!
More than 5 levels too.
You know the Working title for the first Sonic Riders was "Sonic R Extreme"? you wouldn't believe how hyped I was for it when I heard that name. Look how it ended up
Don't tell anyone but I personally thought the first game was fun
SEGA deserved punched Resi style.
SuperLink said:
SEGA dont make it, Sonic Team do. SEGA are just as worried about Sonic Team as the rest of us are...
SuperLink said:
Me want Sonic racing game with a huge cast of characters where you get to run fast...
Sonic (sort of a given really, but with that fucking Shadow lurking about, you never can be too careful!)
Tails (Original sidekick, BC-era character [meaning Before Crap])
Robotnik (None of this 'Dr Eggman' bollocks)
Knuckles (Pink/Red Sonic clone maybe, but we'll forgive him that. Plus his BC-era dreads kick ass)
Amy (to satisfy the female contingent. Also she's a babe)
Metal Sonic (generally awesome)
Big, Rouge, Cream, Blaze? They can suck my nuts. Shadow? He ain't no G.
And for fuck's sake, no humans.
No humans, plez.
More classic Sonic characters plez.
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Metal Sonic, Bark, Bean, Espio, Mighty, Charmy, Vector, Eggman/Robotnik, Fang, Ray.
SEGA wanna sort out Sonic Team, I'm sure of it, I just don't know on how they plan on doing it yet...
Sega should sell the Sonic franchise to a developer that cares. Or atleast one that knows how to make a 3D game.
SEGA cares, Sonic Team don't. Seriously for realz!
Especially since Sonic Team are based in Japan, I don't really know what happens at SEGA Japan. I really think SEGA want to sort the Sonic series out. I hope action is taken soon.
I mean, SEGA are respectable, or they should be.
SuperLink said:
SEGA cares, Sonic Team dont. Seriously for realz!Especially since Sonic Team are based in Japan, I dont really know what happens at SEGA Japan. I really think SEGA want to sort the Sonic series out. I hope action is taken soon.I mean, SEGA are respectable, or they should be.
I don't really know
I really think
I hope
They should be
That post was just laughable
Even for my kids, Sonic is just one game closer to oblivion (not the game, but that would be cool) They are testing their patience. hey get the game, hardly play it and then I get the next one - same thing.
Sonic Adventure was good, Sonic Heroes was okay, Shadow the Hedgehog was barely passable and Sonic Riders was just plain sucky (gave me a headache playing it).
Where once Sonic was a A+ product, it has nowe been relegated to the clearance purchase only.
I haven't got The Secret Rings yet (at least it is a Wii exclusive), will wait for clearance. The DS Sonic Rush is the only good game.
The fact that it is on the PS2 was an immediate sign not to bother for me. In fact, almost universally, I will not buy any Wii game that has a PS2 version. That'll teach 'em.