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Ino Faust said:
Yeah, we rule
Boo hoo! We must blackmail ask Ino Faust to give us Manhunt
I knew the 1 comment must have been made by you. :p
Basically the only videogames that won't be allowed will be kiddie porn and animal porn games, which I don't care for anyway.
Go Netherlands!
"The current law is based on the principle that every adult is considered capable of deciding for himself which games he wants to play, unless it contains illegal material. [ The decision is ] the joint responsibility of parents, the audiovisual industry and the government."
- Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin, in a letter to Parliament.
Look! This man alone seems to be able to say what should be right. If every one had media competence, then this would be appropriate. And I think it is.
Good man that! Yo, Netherlands!
This also mean I can import this game, no? Into Germany I mean...?! (Oh, I do not want to, since I am not hot for Manhunt, but I could)
Laurelin said:The current law is based on the principle that every adult is considered capable of deciding for himself which games he wants to play, unless it contains illegal material. [ The decision is ] the joint responsibility of parents, the audiovisual industry and the government.- Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin, in a letter to Parliament.Look! This man alone seems to be able to say what should be right. If every one had media competence, then this would be appropriate. And I think it is.Good man that! Yo, Netherlands!This also mean I can import this game, no? Into Germany I mean...?! (Oh, I do not want to, since I am not hot for Manhunt, but I could)
NL=Pal, so yeah, you could import it. The game will be in English, so no language barrier either (for you that is, don't know about most other Germans, although Tokio Hotel to me suggests not every German is as good at English as you are:lol
And we will soon discover that the European country with the most sold Manhunt 2 copies will be the Netherlands! And we all know why - everyone will be importing it from there! Everyone will catch on eventually as to what's happening, but the country is right. If I get Manhunt 2, I know where I'll be getting it =)
Funny how one of the most conservative parliaments possible in the Netherlands still beats most liberal ones in the rest of the world.
I know where I'm buying my copy, then.
Bloody Dutch.
Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:
Bloody Dutch.
Actually, we're cheesy, but thanks for mentioning us anyway
Damn Edamz, I love their loopy holes!
I will have to forget about getting a reduced copy later in the year and getting this uncut one via import. These copies are going to fly around europe, especially germany with the F ed up laws and attitudes concerning violence in games there.
Laurelin could you give me the name of the importer you used for RE4 I think I deleted that PM a while back, thanks in advance.{LS]
When does it release there?
( Edited on 30.08.2007 20:17 by Linkyshinks [LS] )
I guess the BBFC will eventually string on to the fact that they rate films like The Grudge and The Hills Have Eyes 2 (which are both awful films, I hear) everyday, and that this is just a different medium of portraying similar events.
And as for the Netherlandish people and there darn liberality. Well. Pah.
Ik ben jaloers dat mijn zusje een katje hebt.
Mason said:
I know where Im buying my copy, then.
( Edited on 30.08.2007 20:46 by dojo )
dojo said:
I guess the BBFC will eventually string on to the fact that they rate films like The Grudge and The Hills Have Eyes 2 (which are both awful films, I hear) everyday, and that this is just a different medium of portraying similar events.And as for the Netherlandish people and there darn liberality. Well. Pah.Ik ben jaloers dat mijn zusje een katje heeft.Mason said:I know where Im buying my copy, then.Where? :shakeEdited on 30.08.2007 20:46 by dojo )
this message is just saying that the AO-version of manhunt 2 could have been released in the netherlands, not that the will happen, and i don't think
it will, because the dutch market is just too small for the effort of releasing 2 different version's of manhunt.
@lam: the law he is referring to is just an old law so, i could have been made under a liberal goverment. and the minister want's one european law, what means most likely the same law as in germany or the U.k
( Edited on 30.08.2007 20:59 by Picoon )
Picoon said:
this message is just saying that the AO-version of manhunt 2 could have been released in the netherlands, not that the will happen, and i dont think it will, because the dutch market is just too small for the effort of releasing 2 different versions of manhunt.@lam: the law he is referring to is just an old law so, i could have been made under a liberal goverment. and the minister wants one european law, what means most likely the same law as in germany or the U.k ( Edited on 30.08.2007 20:59 by Picoon )
"The current law is based on the principle that every adult is considered capable of deciding for himself which games he wants to play, unless it contains illegal material. [ The decision is ] the joint responsibility of parents, the audiovisual industry and the government."
It's a law currently in effect. Even if it was made under a different cabinet, a law is a law, and it isn't dismissed quite as easily as you might think. Even if the current cabinet doesn't agree with a law, it has to uphold it until that law has been taken out, which can take a while.
@ ino faust.
Yeah i know, but i was only saying to Law that this particularly law has been made most likely under a former liberal government (most likely under one of the purple government's)
Picoon said:
@ ino faust.Yeah i know, but i was only saying to Law that this particularly law has been made most likely under a former liberal government (most likely under one of the purple governments)
Not per se more liberal, because most of the governments here are quite liberal, just a former/other government altogether, because there have most likely been laws for games for over a decade now, and governments switch about every 4 years I think..
EDIT: Lol, this discussion has no point whatsoever
( Edited on 30.08.2007 21:21 by Ino Faust )
God bless the Netherlands