Maybe it's because the original one got horrible reviews.
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Maybe it's because the original one got horrible reviews.
No matter how great Opera are, it's gonna be hard to get a good browser on to something with as low spec as the DS.
Edit: And the DS resolution sucks balls.
( Edited on 23.08.2007 22:40 by DaOne )
Opera for the DS is actually a pretty good browser if you compare it to similar devices (mobile phones and PDAs.) But I've run into enough problems with encryption and minor compatibility irritations that I can understand why they'd pull it. I still use my mobile phone's awful Netfront browser (on its 120x144 screen) more often than Opera DS, and have resigned myself to having to buy a smartphone when my contract's up this xmas.
In its current state, the DS Browser is surprisingly good but it's still a toy. Update the browser, include a slot 2 accessory with more RAM, some coprocessor type thing that would enable it to handle Flash including videos, and a thumb board, sell it for 60 bucks instead of 40 if you have to, and I'll buy it again.
If I don't already have my smartphone by then, that is.
raindog469 said:
Opera for the DS is actually a pretty good browser if you compare it to similar devices (mobile phones and PDAs.) But Ive run into enough problems with encryption and minor compatibility irritations that I can understand why theyd pull it. I still use my mobile phones awful Netfront browser (on its 120x144 screen) more often than Opera DS, and have resigned myself to having to buy a smartphone when my contracts up this xmas.In its current state, the DS Browser is surprisingly good but its still a toy. Update the browser, include a slot 2 accessory with more RAM, some coprocessor type thing that would enable it to handle Flash including videos, and a thumb board, sell it for 60 bucks instead of 40 if you have to, and Ill buy it again. If I dont already have my smartphone by then, that is.
I agree, they definitely need to up spec it. I have one, it's not brilliant but it's adequate for certain things. I like using mine in the garden after ive been playing games on the DS.
We do need a better browsing experience and the DS could pull it off if Nintendo are willing to invest in the project, they have made vast sums of money lately so here's hoping. I would sell my current one and buy any new upspecced one also.{LS]
Question, Linkyshinks: is there someone out there to buy your old one?
Not surprising. Though browsing the web on the DS sounds great, it just won't be able to done sufficiently.
From what I understand, they really did an excellent job considering the limitations of the hardware. Shame, perhaps I can pick it up cheap, because regardless, I want that Ram Cart for some reason.
DaOne said:The Browser actually worked really well with that, unless you were zooming into a picture, everything looked really good on your DS' screen.
the DS resolution sucks balls.
The only major problems were the loading times really, & they weren't TOO bad. I still use it from time to time, better than typing on the Wii anyway.
Laurelin said:
Question, Linkyshinks: is there someone out there to buy your old one?
The wonders of secondhand shops Laurelin, I could sell it their. There are also a fair few people that seem to like using it, downstairs in Virgin Megastore they have a wi fi station and I see a few people with their DSs using it to surf on their lunch break.
If they could pull something off that is all about great accessibilty and a full web experience then there is nothing I could complain about. I think the technology is no big hurdle here, perhaps investment is?. If they had produced something better earlier the huge DS userbase would have soaked it all up making it a very popular piece of software.{LS]
( Edited on 24.08.2007 11:49 by Linkyshinks [LS] )