Are all those reli nice looking screens just pre-rendered pics that change depending on what the characters is saying or the mood etc? (Like in games like Trauma Center, Phoenix Wright or 2D Harvest Moon games?) or are they actually in game graphik?
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Are all those reli nice looking screens just pre-rendered pics that change depending on what the characters is saying or the mood etc? (Like in games like Trauma Center, Phoenix Wright or 2D Harvest Moon games?) or are they actually in game graphik?
There's a mixture of in-game graphics and CGI sequences. This will be the biggest DS card yet due to all the speech and video clips included, apparently!
Its voice acted? I'd rather they didn't. They are obviously pressed for space, and most JRPG voice overs are quite poor quality.
FFCC DS is voiced isn't it? Either that, or those voices were just put on for the trailer, still, we're finally starting to see some incredibly impressive games on DS, & it's already halfway through it's lifetime. I hope it's potential isn't wasted, because I can see it now.
FFCC: Ring of Fates is indeed voiced far more than you would imagine...and the quality's really impressive. Given that DS card size is nowhere near as big as ASH's, then I have no fears about this one. Uematsu-san is doing the soundtrack as well, so the music should be great