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ChouRinku said:
Gamecock eh? O_O
i cant stop laughing!!! LOL
anyway that game sounds shit!
GameCOCK?? What kind of a name is that? Are you making this up? Well, I guess that it is also all right to say "COCKpit," instead of flight deck or flight station. I seem to have an itch on my "game" COCK!
Gamecock we've found a publisher who is supportive, developer friendly, and willing to give us the freedom
Sorry, I know its immature... but
O god, I couldn't stop laughing while reading this piece of news.
Good to see more of these adventure based games, they truely do work well on the DS.
Sounds interesting I checked some pics on IGN and it seems it will suffer the same problem as other maturer games on the system. This is not knowing what to do on a graphical front. In an attempt to exhaust the graphics they sacrifice detail or variation in detail. Its early days but I hope just because it's in a hospital every room doesnt look the same and blocky.In terms of what Temco are doing with ninga gaiden and nintendo with zelda developers can see two examples of how you extract what the DS can do without compromising the game itself
( Edited on 03.06.2007 10:38 by meeto_0 )
I swear that this game was once in development for the Gamecube and PS2. I reckon that they moved it across. Although that doesn't make sense as GameCock wasn't around 3 or so years ago. Hmmmm
In anycase the DS needs more of these kinds od games so great.^_^
LOL Gamecock! hhahahaahhaha