Sounds interesting, although Eidos hasn't had such a good track record on the DS, has it? (Tomb Raider Legend springs to mind)
I'd laugh soooooooo much if it turned out to be another Sudoku game with a "story".
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Sounds interesting, although Eidos hasn't had such a good track record on the DS, has it? (Tomb Raider Legend springs to mind)
I'd laugh soooooooo much if it turned out to be another Sudoku game with a "story".
It sounds like Level 5's Prof. Layton...with an expert providing puzzles against a great backdrop (Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson's Fighting Fantasy books were great ).
Colour me interested.
e: In fact, don't colour me interested, as I'd then have to wash it off. And that is too much effort.
( Edited on 01.05.2007 20:47 by dojo )
I got about 4 FF gamebooks and enjoyed them (much better then the CYOA lightweight rubbish :p).
I think city of thiefs was my favourate.