Looks Okayish, was the first one any good!?!?
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Looks Okayish, was the first one any good!?!?
I think the first one is meant to be pretty good (could be wrong here).
I am suprised KONAMI are releasing another one, i thought the first bombed.
Amazingly, the folks at C3 have not reviewed the first one, just a preview
I've got the first one and I enjoyed it, it tends to be a bit slow for some.
Anyway it looks good so I'll be picking it up.
Sadly we never got round to either that or Survival Kids on the GBC, but both are 8/10s if you like that style...the aim is to keep the two kids alive by feeding them, quenching their thirst, keeping them warm and sleeping well, etc.
Great games, but I couldn't fully get into them as I didn't have sufficient time.
LIB1 did well in Japan, moderately so in the US and only had a limited UK release (along with Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow). But Konami has previously stated it was extremely pleased with sales overall, hence the sequel (third one actually, including the GBC game).
Suppose if it turns a profit, why not a sequel.
I never liked the first one at all... guess it's really not my cup of tea. =/
I didn't like the first either, but I loved Survival Kids...not sure why I didn't like LiB, but nevermind!
i loved the first one, one of my favourite games on the ds, it all comes down to whether you WANT to enjoy it, if you want to enjoy the game and complete it you will, for e.g when i first got it i died about loads of times and through it in the bin(not literally) then bout 6months later and after whuppin new super mario bros(coz its piss easy) i decided to go back and i completed it, the moral of the story..ive already told you...in closing if you like doing tedius tasks for little profit until you acutally complete the game you'll like this game