Wii launch: Are Nintendo doing enough?

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You definitely won't need to worry about advertisements. Hardly anyone (prolly even less than Wii) knew about DS before it came out. I'm sure it'll be advertised very well. Just as I'm sure the PS3 won't advertise well, as with PSP. Yet everyone knows about it anyway.

Either way, the Wii is already very well know anyway, it's already really popular across the globe, & many shops are supporting it very well.... they used to have PS3 posters in GAME, with certain GAME stores having 1 Revolution/Wii poster, now I don't see PS3 posters than often anymore, & most GAME shops have at least 2 Wii posters, so.... Don't worry about that.

As for the software, they're doing the right thing, they held the secrets of the console just long enough for Sony to give up copying them (almost, they still had time to tack on a rotation sensor) & they've done a great job in getting people used to the idea of the controller& the games, E3 2006 is a great example, most people couldn't be any more happy with it. Most people's only problem with it was that we got no footage of Super Smash Bros Wii..... but the very next day...

You see what I mean, Nintendp have done very well with the run up to Wii & Christmas, except for the fact the DS has been very dry, I'm not complaining though, gives me time to save up for the next big Nintendo console, only happens once every 5 years, so no biggie.

Also, the launch is actually pretty good, once you remember that it was still pretty recently (in the last year infact) that most developers finally got their final Wii dev kits, I'm sure next year we'll see tons more brillinat projects with graphics we had never imagined could happen on Wii, Red Steel even looks alright for a console of only 1.5-2 times the power of the GC.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Nintendo have a plan you see. They arent just forcing us to buy Wii sports as an excuse to charge more for the console. They talk of Wii sports as the messiah for Nintendo's bussiness, they think that non gamers will play it and love it and then tell everyone about it which will then lead to everyone existing to buying a Wii due to how easy it is for non gamers to play and enjoy Wii sports. We gamers are just pawns on a chess board for nintendo, we buy a Wii with Wii sports and then perhaps are uncle, auntie, granny etc. All enjoy Wii sports and then buy Wii's, assuming ofcourse that Wii sports is the holy grail of a game for non gamers which is waht Nintendo believe.

This is not needed for the Japanese market because the seem to like strange new ideas (couldnt think of a better way to put it) so Nintendo dont need to force Wii sports on the Japanese.

Nintendo have said that the Wii is for everyone but they really are insisting that they want to caputure the non gaming audience. Wii sports is the key and nintendo loyalists will deliver it right to their target audience.
Nintendo think they are doing enough.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

No matter how hard Nintendo try, they will never get my mum into gaming ever again. Smilie She played Mario Kart DS once for like 10 minutes, watched us on Animal Crossing for 5 minutes.... The only game she's interested in is The Sims! Smilie

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SuperLink said:
No matter how hard Nintendo try, they will never get my mum into gaming ever again. Smilie She played Mario Kart DS once for like 10 minutes, watched us on Animal Crossing for 5 minutes.... The only game shes interested in is The Sims! Smilie

Err maby you should try club house games or Brain training...but yeah Will Wright is a genious at creating games with a wide demographic in mind, even Iwata thinks so :O.

Nah, I might try the 42 All Time Classics, but I won't be getting Brain Training anyway. I've given up trying to get her into gaming anyway Smilie I tried for about 2 years to get her to play Mario Party 4 Smilie

Kinda embarrassing when I look back at it though Smilie

EDIT: Speaking of Mr Wright, didn't he appear in a number of Nintendo games? Isn't he that guy with big green hair coming out either side of his head, & glasses too? He's been in all the handheld Zelda games I think.... He was also a trophy on SSBM, think he's a competely different guy though, prolly just got them confused 'cos he's called Mr Wright or something & he's from Sim City on the SNES.... I think Smilie

( Edited on 26.10.2006 20:14 by SuperLink )

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Grumbler said:
I dont know anyone in the real world whos heard of it.
I don't know anyone in the real world full-stop ;_;

You do have a point though... The only adverts I've seen for the Wii are on Gamespot... Pretty fucking pointless if you ask me, since if you go there there's about a 100% chance you already know about it. But then I don't remember seeing a single 360 advert until after the console actually launched here... I dunno... Maybe I just don't watch t.v enough.

Either way there's over a month until it's released and I think now's the time to start advertising. I'm not sure if they've started in America yet, but they probably should have by now since it's coming out in about 3 weeks

Basically I better see an advert for the Wii within the next 2 weeks or someone's getting a slap

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

As I said, DS was advertised incredibly, in the weeks leading up to & following the launch. The 360 was advertised after launch, but that's OK considering all units were sold out anyway.

PSP was advertised HORRIBLY, I've only EVER seen TWO adverts for it. EVER. I know I don't watch TV too much, but I've seen PLENTY of DS ads & 360 ads anyway (mostly 360 ads) heck, I've seen more post-death GC ads then PSP ads. I'm sure the Wii will follow suit with the DS, & advertise well.

Megadanxzero said:
Basically I better see an advert for the Wii within the next 2 weeks or someones getting a slap
I don't think it'll happen, I'm sure it will in America, but I'm not expecting Wii ads in UK until the end of November/begginning of December.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Two ways of doing it: A blitz advertising, spend all yer money in 2 weeks and make people sick of the adverts.

A slower more sustained campaign that lasts longer but isnt as obvious, not as noticable, but it lasts long enough to have full effect.

Nintendo seem to be going for the second one, using smaller campaign and slowly creeping up, until eventually exploding in an orgasm of billboards, sponsorships and tv ads.

The UK wont see any ads for a while, seeing as our launch isnt until december, in the US it should be starting soonish, within the next 2 weeks probably.

I've seen 2 page Wii adverts with the release date in several magazines including Edge.

I just hope that the due to the size of wii it's not fragile no matter the launch dateSmilie

all bow to the queen and king

Pikman said:
Ive seen 2 page Wii adverts with the release date in several magazines including Edge.

Precisely. Only nerds read Edge, and mags like that. None of them weren't already aware of the Wii. Nintendo need to do some prime-time telly ads.

( Edited on 27.10.2006 07:40 by Oni )

^whats the point of displaying adds this early? So people can talk about something which they have to wait a month to buy? Wii articles are in more than just gaming magazines. I've seen 2 features in the newspaper and as Nin10do said he's seen a few in mainstream magazines.

There's also been TV reports on the Wii in Australia which is pretty sweet.

I reckon that the TV adds should start 2 weeks before launch. Get it into the back of peoples heads. So that by the time release comes around people can then start talking about it after reading the good articles about it or seeing some other form of advertising. Then they can go into game stores or hear from a mate that its actually really fun.

Oni-Ninja said:
Precisely. Only nerds read Edge, and mags like that. None of them werent already aware of the Wii. Nintendo need to do some prime-time telly ads.
*ahem* can't help but feel you've been a bit negative of late....

No, not only nerds read Edge. It's not the most popular magazine, I'll give you that, but it's good for people who like their figures. I'm a self proclaimed nerd, & I don't get Edge, so...

Besides, it's far too early to start advertising now in UK, people will be bored of the adverts by the time the console comes out....

Nintendo can do no right eh? Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I've only seen Wii adverts in gaming magazines.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

My vote going towards not doing enough, is highly because I have seen verry little out there advertising (In Aus). Appart for what I have gone looking for, on youtube and what-not.

This may be because they dont see us as there MAIN target, but really...Nothing, and its the outlying gag's or funnier add's that really get good results...

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

Ptolemy said:

Big ad it is. Seriously, it's far too early to do an ad blitz. They didn't do it with DS & 360 this early, & they're doing fine, so why? Smilie

PSP is also doing pretty well, and it'd be considered doing brilliantly if it weren't up against the phenom that is DS. & do you see PSP ads on TV.... ever? Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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