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I saw it an hour ago look very smooth (unless you watch it in low res) indeed defintely buying it at launch.
Yeah it's looking pretty good, couldn't stop laughing at the guy acting out the controles though, the wii spits water at you!
( Edited on 23.08.2006 16:40 by Blade2t3 )
The art on the screenshots page is...just...wow....
http://media.wii.ign.com/media/821/821973/img_3858968.html *spasms*
Does anyone know when the Nintend EA joint confernece is on at?
Who's getting Red Steel at launch?
Has there been any news of a multiplayer or online for reed steel
Theres an offline multiplayer mode, no online unfortunatly.
Does anyone know when the Nintend EA joint confernece is on at?
I think its already been and gone, I think it was 02:00 PM till 03:00 PM but I havn't heard any infomation on it.
Very awesome, it's looking much more polished now; I really can't wait to play it.
At the moment, I think I'd choose this over Metroid Prime Corruption!
Mmmmm... Red Steel...
Soundworks my man it looks amazing but yuo went to far with the metroid comment
Why do they get a bunch of retarted in these trailers theyre suposed to be promoting Red Steel instead they get a bunch of guys jumpin around lookin stupid while playing it which makes the wii controller look dumb. Also in the metroid prime trailer the guy freakin curls up into a ball now how GAY is that it just puts people of from getting the console.
Mr.Ashcroft said:
Soundworks my man it looks amazing but yuo went to far with the metroid comment
My apologies, erm, Metroid is number 1!
revo4life said:
Why do they get a bunch of retarted in these trailers theyre suposed to be promoting Red Steel instead they get a bunch of guys jumpin around lookin stupid while playing it which makes the wii controller look dumb. Also in the metroid prime trailer the guy freakin curls up into a ball now how GAY is that it just puts people of from getting the console.
Yeah, all the Wii trailers seem to have taken up that sort of format, sometimes it is done well (all things considered), but other times it can be totally cringe worthy.
Still I doubt it's going to put people off any more so than the Donkey Konga adds in Europe.
revo4life, the trailers are supposed to suggest that using the Wii controller to play games will make a gamer feel like he/she is actually the character in the game. That's why the actors are acting out scenes from the games or jumping around, ducking, and hiding, according to the action of the game.
I do not know how this happened but my comment should come after Der Sega Hund
( Edited on 23.08.2006 18:17 by patjuan32 )
revo4life said:
Why do they get a bunch of retarted in these trailers theyre suposed to be promoting Red Steel instead they get a bunch of guys jumpin around lookin stupid while playing it which makes the wii controller look dumb. Also in the metroid prime trailer the guy freakin curls up into a ball now how GAY is that it just puts people of from getting the console.
Agreed. It's not like the lifestyle type people they're trying to attract are going to be watching it. Who watches game trailers other than people who already play games?
( Edited on 23.08.2006 18:09 by Der SegaHund )
Awesome trailer!
I loved the part where you could "paint" all the enemies and shoot them in order to save the hostage.
The looked great and a lot of fun! Though the sword fighting part looked, just a little awkward...
HazukiSan said:
So who would you have playing the games?
Nah, I wouldn't have anyone. I might have a CG stick man animation if pushed, but it just emphasises the gimmicky aspects far too much.
The first thing I learnt is that Links is called 'Axe' in America (the axe effect just sounds weird!)
Erm yeh, game's shaping up nicely
(I think the guy 'getting wet' was a bit much though )
( Edited on 23.08.2006 18:48 by fenno2001 )
(I think the guy 'getting wet' was a bit much though
Nah, I wouldn't have anyone. I might have a CG stick man animation if pushed, but it just emphasises the gimmicky aspects far too much.
I disagree, infact I'd have stuff like this in adverts aswell. Gotta push that this is very different and the lifestyle people jumping around do that very well.
Are you guys kidding me.... That the same bullsh*t footage they gave been showing us since E3. The only thing that has change is the actual person in the trailer. The environment and character models still look weak for a new Gen system. Gamecube can run that game if thats it in its final form. This game, if not greatly improved between now and launch, it will be a great failure.
( Edited on 23.08.2006 20:42 by jadnice )
Agreed. It's not like the lifestyle type people they're trying to attract are going to be watching it. Who watches game trailers other than people who already play games?
Well this guy is sitting in a darkened room, compromise methinks.
And I'll be showing my mum this, she'll love it.
Mum: "Oh, I'd like this!"
( Edited on 23.08.2006 21:56 by spydarlee )
jadnice said:
Are you guys kidding me.... That the same bullsh*t footage they gave been showing us since E3. The only thing that has change is the actual person in the trailer. The environment and character models still look weak for a new Gen system. Gamecube can run that game if thats it in its final form. This game, if not greatly improved between now and launch, it will be a great failure.( Edited on 23.08.2006 20:42 by jadnice )
That's exactly what I was thinking when I watched this...
The bit a the start was new, but yeah it's all the same locations.