If we look at the ds as a failure in the market then i believe Nintendo would have changed the Wii to be more inline with sony and MS. The thing to remember is that nintendo wouldnt have just developed th wii as we know it. There would have been a much more powerful version in dev as well. With the chipset nintendo have had ibm and ati dev lots of power bands and then decided on what they wanted from wii.
I would have really expected that if the ds had been a failure then nintendo would have put something on it to make it sell. We all know that pokemon shifts handhelds and so that would ahve been out earlier and we probably would have seen a huge focus on big franchises to shift it. there would be no risky brain training.
The problem is though that it is hard to not think of the ds as a seller and although i ont believe nintendo woul stop making consoles i think they would have made even more calculated moves in the industry. GC has been profitable for nintendo as is the gba. Nintendo structure their business to make sure that they make profit as soon as possible as this is what allows them to continue in the market. The ds is meant to be profitable out of the box and from what we know so is the wii and this is something and MS and Sony cannot do. But nintendo cant not be profitable as they dont have the resources to constantly rely on as gaming is their business.
also you have to remember that nintendo rely heavily on their fanbase. This was shown with the GC and at the begining of the DS' life and the same will be done on the wii. All the nintendo fans will go and buy the wii and once they've done that the machine should be saturated enough to be classed as a success after which profit comes from games like zelda and mario. But the fanbase is shrinking due to GC but hopefully the ds is countering this.
( Edited on 21.08.2006 11:49 by amtrid )