oh wow Ubisoft are really loving Nintendo at the moment, cant wait to see more from this game cause I really enjoyed the PC version.
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oh wow Ubisoft are really loving Nintendo at the moment, cant wait to see more from this game cause I really enjoyed the PC version.
Sounds like a decent title for the DS, and definitely will expand the different genres on the handheld.
Ubisoft are awesome
SETTLERS 2 is one of my favourite PC games!
I'm not a fan of RTS at all but I can see the advantages of having the games on the system due to their popularity.
I love RTS! Might be a bit hard with the screen size, but it will work out hopefully.
Who reckons Ubisoft and Square Enix are invited to to Nintendo's house this week for an orgy...... just kidding
Is this game going to be like settler? I loved it also! If it is, I hope its based off 2.
Ok, I vaguely remember Settlers. Can anyone tell me if the style of the game requires you to fight? Or can you just try to build your "settlement"?