Nintendo News | Team 17 Details 2D Wii Worms

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.09.2007 6

A recent interview with Team17 reveals some promising features from the upcoming Wii version of Worms, taking classic 2D action/strategy to the online world.

  • Online Play
  • Downloadable content.
  • Adding strangers to friend list.
  • Lots of customization.
  • 2D, 16:9 and Pro Scan.
  • Actual Communication when online.
  • Communication limited to text and with strangers it's predefined.
  • It's Wi-Fi connection, friend codes, guessing you have to be logged into that particular game to see who is online etc.
  • Gesture controls, punch moves sound fine but what gesture would you perform to shoot a mini gun or rocket?

    Be sure to read the complete interview here.

    Thanks to Blade2t3 for the summary.

  • Box art for Worms: A Space Oddity

    Team 17







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    Praise be! It's in 2D!

    I sincerely hope those are poor quality shots on IGN though, because judging from those the resolution is lower than Worms World Party on the Dreamcast. Which was online...

    The thought occurs, why is this game such a miracle now?

    "Gesture controls, punch moves sound fine but what gesture would you perform to shoot a mini gun or rocket?"

    But -*new*- weapons and ideas should use when its approporate.

    Id love a weapon where you have to quickly draw circles around enemys...the more circles you draw in a set time, the more damage you do.

    Basicaly, ripping of Paper Mario2's thing, only I think it would be perfect for the Wiimote and Worms. (verys stratergic too...bigger circles take more time,thus less power, but you get more in the impact area).

    You could also have purhapes an earthquake weapon where you have to move it up and down in sycn to cause huge ripples on the screen.

    Theres probably many ideas for new weapons that would be great with the wiimote.
    A sci-fi setting gives a way to place them in context too.

    However, apart from special weapons, the Wiimote should just act like a mouse in the PC game. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
    Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

    True but I hope when they say gesture there being very general, using the pointer to guide rockets could be fun.

    You could also have purhapes an earthquake weapon where you have to move it up and down in sycn to cause huge ripples on the screen.

    That would be pretty sweet actually!

    Hopefully they use there heads when thinking about these gestures.

    ( Edited on 07.09.2007 17:37 by Blade2t3 )

    XBL Gamertag: James2t3

    Guiding rockets is actually something that sounds jolly good fun. And Super Sheep ^^

    So, when it says "Add strangers to Friend List"... how do you do that? You have to add friend codes don't you? & you can't really communicate with strangers...

    Maybe it's a rivals list, like on Prime Hunters. Smilie

    Also, the text communication... hopefully it'll have Keyboard support. I'm teh proe with 'kbordz.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Gestures sounds like the worst thing ever... Worms is often a game where you have to think and act quickly to win, and gestures are prone to not working when it's most inconvenient for you.

    Something like aiming by tilting the Wii-mote, or pointing a homing missile in the right direction would be great, but I doubt that's what they meant by gestures >_>

    Oh and I'm guessing the 'Add strangers to friends list' thing means you can just add someone to your friends list during a game at the press of a button, rather than having to go through the annoying process of asking for their friend code and giving them yours and then going to a special input screen...

    ( Edited on 07.09.2007 20:08 by Megadanxzero )

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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