Nintendo Media | Smash Update: Moving and Shooting

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.05.2007 28

In a recent update to the official Smash Bros website Nintendo have revealed the ability for players to move and shoot the classic scope item using newcomer Wario to demonstrate in a series of amusing screens.

For more updates head on over to the Official Smash Bros. Brawl website.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (594 Votes)

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d.v.n.e said:
Shig Guevara said:Even better now, you can fire at an angle, sweet!
I bet you wont be throwing the cracker launcher. SmilieSmilie

NAH wait til its outof ammoSmilie I like cheapshots!

Shig Guevara said:
d.v.n.e said:
Shig Guevara said:Even better now, you can fire at an angle, sweet!
I bet you wont be throwing the cracker launcher. SmilieSmilie
NAH wait til its outof ammoSmilie I like cheapshots!

I like your style shig you sound like a good smash bros player can't wait to face you.


d.v.n.e said:
Shig Guevara said:
d.v.n.e said:
Shig Guevara said:Even better now, you can fire at an angle, sweet!
I bet you wont be throwing the cracker launcher. SmilieSmilie
NAH wait til its outof ammoSmilie I like cheapshots!
I like your style shig you sound like a good smash bros player cant wait to face you.

Agreed, Super scopes and cracker launchers at dawn!

ME, seconds before throwing it, yes Iam a cowboy and yes my editing skills leave much to be desired!

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