C3 Exclusive Interview | Touch the Dead on Wii & DS: Dream-On Studio Spills its Guts

By Adam Riley 17.03.2007 11

Interview with Dream-On Studio
Interview by Adam Riley :: Saturday, 17th March, 2007

Eidos has recently been revealed as the publisher for the game once known as Dead 'N' Furious, now re-named as Touch the Dead on the Nintendo DS. Other than a few details about how the game is similar to the likes of Sega's arcade favourite House of the Dead, it has been pretty much flying under the radar. However, Cubed3 was able to catch up with French developer Dream-On Studio to discuss as much about the project as possible, as well as find out some exclusive morsels - like a future Wii version and so much more! Get ready for a very revealing interview...

Cubed3: Could you please introduce yourself and let our readers know what your role is on the project?

Ben Yoris: My name's Ben Yoris, I'm director of Dream On Studio. My role on the game was to co-ordinate the team and work together with our publisher Virgin. I also participated in the main game concept in the early stages of the project.

C3: How large is the team that is currently working on Touch the Dead for the DS?

BY: Touch the Dead is now a finished project. There were 6 to 8 people involved in the game.

C3: Will the game remain exclusive to the DS or will you be looking to port it to other systems at some point?

BY: So far this is a DS project. But we'd like to consider it on the Wii also.

BY: Considering how well you are implementing the use of the stylus and touch-screen, do you think Touch the Dead would work equally well with the Wii and its unique control system?

BY: We think the game play could be easily adapted to the Wii. Of course the Wii would offer more possibilities in terms of motion detection for close range weapons, for example.

C3: The game is stated as being an 'on-rails tactile shooter'

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I really hope they make it on the Wii also, it would work really well on that. Brings me back to the days of arcade, I loved those on-rail shooters.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Yeah I agree. Something along the lines of House of the Dead would be ideal with the Wii controls. I'm still hoping Namco gets round to bringing Time Crisis over Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Time Crisis would be absolutely fantasmic with the Wiimote, and that Zapper attachment they showed back at E3 '06. I can't say I'm too interested in any of the games here, and also, the dude (Ben Yoris) doesn't seem to be too passionate about...anything. Maybe he was tired Smilie

I think some things were lost in translation. He's French and it required editing slightly.

Anyway, the shooting attachment would indeed be cool if released for Wii...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Touch the Dead dosen't sound too bad, and could that be 2 player co-op i read? Sweet.

We have implemented a wireless mode for 2 players in order to offer the same experience as in similar genre arcade games. In another version we may try to implement some microphone or Wi-Fi features.

mOojc, I like this bit even better, because it basically confirms a new version coming at some point...which could include Wi-Fi play! Smilie

I also like the sound of SXR - if they can keep the racing speed at 60fps that'll be VERY impressive!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Wooo, Wifi would be awesome.

I agree, if they manage to keep SXR at 60fps, it will be a very impressive racer which the DS lacks at the moment.

Reminds me, Nintendo should make a F Zero for the DS...

F-Zero is definitely a necessity and I wouldn't be surprised if Third Party Suzak's secret DS project (after Wario Master of Disguise) is indeed just such a game...

By the way, this quote is worth noting:

C3: Nintendo is very keen to get developers to create smaller projects on the Wii's Virtual Console. Would this idea appeal to you at all, considering the lower risks involved?

BY: Yep. We're actually thinking about it.

Why? Because it's another small developer that is interested in working on a new VC game!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Nice interview Adam. I'm still not sure about this game, but I'm at least interested in it!

Yeah nice interview, i think this game lokos kinda shit to be honest!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

People have pre-judged sadly...but it was released in certain European countries (like Spain) at the end of last year and received 7s and 8s, I believe. Certainly not bad at all Smilie

Hopefully Eidos will do a decent job with the full-scale release.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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