Nintendo News | ONM Claims World Exclusive, NiGHTS Wii Confirmed?! [Update] ONM Speak Out

By Slydevil 18.03.2007 34

Update - The recent news of Official Nintendo Magazine's, yet to be revealed "world exclusive", temporarily set the internet alight with rampant speculation (which has yet to die down). Among the greenery were allegations that the hint could in fact be an April Fools joke. Chandra, from the ONM staff team decided to comfort our fears on the matter over on the official forums:


I'm very aware how much coverage our Next Month page is getting across the globe right now. I have to admit -- I thought it was a cool little teaser when we did it -- but I didn't anticipate it blowing up quite so much! I've seen everything from Family Guy to Woody Woodpecker fitting perfectly in that star cluster! Very Happy

Anyhoo, I'm here to iron a few things out. This is not an April Fool. I remember once I did an April Fool on CUBE with Gannondorf Photoshopped into Soul Calibur II and people got really upset when they found out it wasn't true so we don't do those kind of things anymore. I think they're just a bit of a laugh but obviously other more sensitive people don't. . .

Also, we do have respect for our readers and we don't set out to purposely mislead people. The whole point of the Next Month image is to be a teaser and to get people guessing. It's just A BIT OF FUN. There are no lies in there. Innevitably the situation might change between the time of the mag going to print and the release of the next issue (it is a good six weeks after all). The game may end up being announced online before we hit the shelves. Ocassionally these things happen and it's completely out of our control. However, the point is that we are not misleading you -- there is a new game due to be announced.

In summary then, please take a deep breath and count to ten when you're thinking about this. There are quite a few images that perfectly fit into that star cluster. We've never mentioned any names -- it could be anything.

Well, the reassurance has certainly helped, and we can't see it honestly being a risk worth taking for the team. Tell us what you guys think about all this business down in our comments area.

Original Story - Official Nintendo Magazine in their latest issue, have claimed to have a world exclusive game revelation in their mits. The biggest point of interest is the front cover image, displaying a collection of stars, which thanks to a clever mock-up, appears to reveal ONM's game announcement to be of the much rumoured NiGHTS sequel for Wii. But we'll leave it for you to decide for yourself.

Original Cover:


The news has caused a bit of a stir within the gaming community, and it does look to be signed, sealed and delivered. But we won't speak for you.

[Big thankyou to NeoGaf user TSE for the images]

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mmm... the Virtual Console may go up a little with Saturn Games, even if I don't like them...

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

Mabey Sailor Moon

Nights Wii?!


I Rule.

April the 1st anyone?
The most vile horrible invention of humankind. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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umm since when did we jump into april?

And also whats all the fuss about nights?

( Edited on 17.03.2007 07:54 by Prometheus )

NiGHT will work really well with the wii ^^

I dont think it is a april fool, i think this is going to happen for real. LS

If this is an April fool I will be muchos pissed Smilie The Wii needs NiGHTS!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Wii NiGHTS makes sense, I mean what else is Sonic Team doing at the mo?

^^^Shadow The Hedgehog 2 Smilie

IfritXVII said:
^^^Shadow The Hedgehog 2 Smilie

LOL. I would disown Sega if they did SmilieSmilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

If Sonic Team are making it, it WILL be shit. Didn't Naka just make his own studio?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

umm since when did we jump into april?

next issue date of onm <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Grumbler said:
If Sonic Team are making it, it WILL be shit. Didnt Naka just make his own studio?
Yes, Prope. That, coupled with the fact that Naka has specifically said in the past that he didn't want to make another NiGHTS game incase he fucked it up, scares me. Without Naka at Sonic Team there's no one to stop them making a really shitty new NiGHTS game.

I think there's a pretty big chance that SEGA have decided to just try and cash in on all the rumours and obvious love for the game by getting Sonic Team to make a half-arsed sequel.

I really hope I'm wrong ;-;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

i dount they will make a sequal, but i reckon they are trying to hype the game and then release it on the VC!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

or this in combination with sega saturn emulation. it's coming on VC? Smilie

Grumbler said:
If Sonic Team are making it, it WILL be shit. Didnt Naka just make his own studio?

Yup, a couple of months ago, with no announcements of games. Considering Nights is what he considers to be his perfect creation, I would imagine it is he who is handling it, not Sonic Team. He's not done a sequel because he thought it was too good already and didn't think he could improve it, but if there has to be a new Nights game I'm almost certain Naka will be the driving force behind it. Unless SEGA totally screws him over.

Grumbler said:
If Sonic Team are making it, it WILL be shit.

I second that the Sonic team are a bunch of bellends who couldn't make a good game to save their lifes.

i am still pissed at ONM for not giving us the world exclusive Resident Evil Chronicles news Smilie

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Whoah! Probably the first NiGHTS
game ever. (well, in my opinion anyway)

Onwards, TO NOWHERE! Proud owner of Farming Simulator 2013.

I hope it will be a dedicated Wii version while retaining elements of the classic game engine, i would really like to see some real polish on this version, adding new gameplay hooks should be taking full advantage of the Wii Remote. LS

( Edited on 17.03.2007 16:21 by Linkyshinks )

Star Tropics anyone?

Either way, if this isn't a hoax, then it's huge & great news for Nintendo. Whatever it is, hoax or not, it's to do with NiGHTS, so if it isn't a hoax, that confirms either Saturn on Wii, or a sequel on Wii. Both of which are HUGE developments in the gaming world. At least I think it is!

VC isn't turning out THAT bad TBH, Staurn would only make it better.

I also hope it's not Sonic Team making it, Yuji Naka should be making it. I wouldn't trust Sonic Team with an important project like this, they'd definitely ruin it.

EDIT: Naka didn't exactly say he DIDN'T want to make a NiGHTS sequel, he just said that he is very wary of making one, as if he did, it would have to be perfect. He's had a while to think about it, don't ya think? Smilie

( Edited on 17.03.2007 18:39 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

If Saturn was to come to VC, can you imagine the price of the disk titles?. Owch.

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I don't know what the hell that is...

I seem to be getting a habit of long headlines. Most doubted it was actually an April Fools joke, but it's nice to be reassured.

( Edited on 18.03.2007 19:06 by Slydevil )

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

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