E3 2006 News | Ubisoft Shun Sony, Praise Wii

By Mike Mason 10.05.2006 11

Attending a workshop at E3 on games development, Ubisoft Montreal creative director Clint Hocking vented about Sony's approach to the next generation, citing their mimicry of Xbox Live and Wii's controller and their approach to graphics as his main issues.

Hocking claimed that the visual push meant that developers were acting more like factory workers, with a strict regime of sorting out textures, then shaders and repeating. The HD-TV push was also pointless, he claimed, as there is still such a small adoption rate and so art resources are being wasted. After speaking of their copying of other companies' features, he said "how much more 'me too' can [Sony] be?"

In contrast to this, Hocking was very enthusiastic about Nintendo's new controller interface with Wii, saying that if it fulfils everything that Nintendo claims, it will open developers' minds and help players feel emotion much more than improved graphics would.

Thanks to Nintendojo for the news.

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Nintendo seems to be on the up and up.



XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Sony have taken ninendos ideas for so long now, I guess people are just finally figuring it out they they havent thought of a new, or good idea for some time.

Seriously what is something theyve thought of thats new, this doesnt include sing new technology that tehy didnt develop anyway.

Sony? or Foney?

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

Good good. Smilie

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.
Guest 10.05.2006#5

Ptolemy said:
Sony have taken ninendos ideas for so long now, I guess people are just finally figuring it out they they havent thought of a new, or good idea for some time.Seriously what is something theyve thought of thats new, this doesnt include sing new technology that tehy didnt develop anyway.Sony? or Foney?

Totally agree, star up!

Its nice to hear one of the big guns being vocal about Sony's shameless and blatant theft of ideas, lack of imagination, and shallow disregard for the essence of gaming...i bet its a feeling commonly shared among the industry, but they're just too scared to speak up for fear of Sony's wrath or losing their jobs or something...

In any case, I'd never expect anyone at EA to speak up, coz they share the same philosophy as Sony methinks...way to go Ubisoft - speaking out against Sony's madness and supporting the Wii - I like it!

Nice one, finally the response I wanted.

Hooray! WIIFTW Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

its about time someone spoke, about this!! all developers are so quite we need more people like him!!! Smilie

A nintendo representitive spoke about sony yesterday "imitation is the greatest flattery" Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Ahh, always nice to hear. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Not only that, Microsoft, yes Microsoft commented on Sony as well!!Smilie

But seriously, Sony can do something original if they just put some thought into it...Problem is, they don't want to take risks.

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