Revolution News | Twilight Princess Controller Update

By John Boyle 14.04.2006 49

The big topic of discussion of late has been how Twilight Princess will utilise the Revmote, with many hinting it'll be only in mini games or only in specific areas. However in a recent interview with ONM it seems that the Revmote will be much more integrated as previously thought:

"...I think the Revolution controller will give quite a different play style to Twilight Princess. When you play Twilight Princess with the GameCube controller it's the same controls that you're used to, but you may beable to do something different with the Revolution controller - like aiming at enemies with the pointing device [the Freehand] and shooting the arrow."

So prepare to have unprecedented control over Link when the Revolution hits our shores later this year.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess





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So is it a GC game with Rev features or a Rev game that gets downgarded when put into a GC?

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

Definitely a GC game with Rev features I'm reckoning - they've always said it's a GC game, but now its just got a nice little makeover for the Revo.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Just like the Zelda Oracle games, which had extras when played in a GBA...people forget that those were upgraded to include extra features for that new platform, despite being GBC games!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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sounds like the revmote functions will be pretty gimmick-like unfortunately. At least Nintendo have original titles lined up for e3

My site: whvn | online

If the whole game can be played through comfortably using the Rev controller then in my eyes it wont be gimmicky.

( Edited on 15.04.2006 00:39 by Blade2t3 )

I am surprised they didn't just re-release a special edition LOZ TP on REV at launch and the gc one earlier. A bit like what they did with Link's Awakening.

Cant wait I wonder what hey will be using it for.

Well the subscriptions only start at the May one... Which I think is the one out now... I could be wrong
(Yeah I just checked the mail. It came this morning complete with giant poster and rather gruesome RE: DS ad)

Anyway I really wish Nintendo hadn't delayed TP for stupid Revolution control... I wanted it last November, and now with the 360 out and probably the Revolution when TP finally comes out it's not going to seem as good. Plus when the new Revolution Zelda game is released it's not going to seem new. It'll just be like playing TP 2

( Edited on 15.04.2006 14:57 by Megadanxzero )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

It's good timing for me though that they delayed it. Since that is when I would have fianally finished my last year of school, which is the HSC, which is stressful, competetive and will eventually rule out my future. After finishing the HSC TP will be a good reward for all that hard-work, and if I do crap, then it will help me get over my loss. I got a four month holiday anyways at that time.

I think it's been delayed so long Im starting to lose intrest in it. Its a shame because there delaying it for no reason just to put some rubbish control system on it.

I reckon this is whats going to happen Twilight princess wont sell very well not because it's crap but buy the time it comes out everyone would of forgotten it and lost intrest in it.

I agree. That is what happened with Harry Potter 5. I was so excited, but it was so far away that I finally lost interest. I read other books during that time and when it finally came out I rejoiced, read it, loved it. But inevidently felt disappointed and felt that I had been excited for so long and yet it wasn't even that good. I feel that TP might be the same. Hopefully not. But I love being excited, that being for a holiday (overseas), a movie(lotr 2 and 3), a book (Harry Potter 5 and Chimera). After TP I don't have anything that I can be hyped up for as much.

I really hoped they wouldn't, only because I wished to see the game out earlier than it'll be out!

Only reson people have lost intrest is because it's so long away, when it's a week from release tell me then you arn't intrested in itSmilie

I subscribed the day the first issue was out.
I got my Pikmen2 but no mag
Not issue no2, let alone no3

I subscribed earlier than that. Pretty much as soon as possible, infact i think i was the one to find the official Nintendo Magazine's website...and post it in the forums...dunno.

Any way i subscribed before the first issue went out and like said earlier my first issue was this months one ( #3) and that came Saturday just gone (yesterday) with my Pikmin2 a week earlier. Perhaps wait till Tuesday (After Bank Hol weekend)

Off topic sorry, Ive just watched a Rev. video over on TechEBlog, is this authentic Kid Icarus, + Revolution Zelda footage?!

( Edited on 16.04.2006 23:32 by SKI )

SKI said:
Off topic sorry, Ive just watched a Rev. video over on TechEBlog, is this authentic Kid Icarus, + Revolution Zelda footage?!

no no - it's a European advert for the GBC Zelda.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

And Icarus is just some CGI from somewhere.

I am surprised they didn't just re-release a special edition LOZ TP on REV at launch and the gc one earlier.

yeah, sounds like a much better idea.

they have delayed this game too long. that was the only thing keeping the cube alive.

well dont expect to use the controller to swing links sword about.

rather than say swipe the controller like a sword, he says you'll point a enemys - ONM

Oh dear, Z-targeting with the revmote ay, that doesnt excite me.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

rather than say swipe the controller like a sword, he says you'll point a enemys - ONM

Sweet. No shite "swing your sword" arcade gameplay.

The 'Kid Icarus' CGI is from Baton Kaitos is it not?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.
Guest 17.04.2006#47

R e l b m u r g.d2t3 said:
The Kid Icarus CGI is from Baton Kaitos is it not?

Yep, it's from the intro actually.
And man, did that DS look UGLY when Reggie took it out of his pocket!

And man, did that DS look UGLY when Reggie took it out of his pocket!

For all we know right now:

"And man, did that old Zelda video look DODGY at E3 at the Press Conference!" Smilie

Nintendo could be changing it all to Tingle...

( Edited on 17.04.2006 23:31 by shiptoncraig )

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

That trailer was pretty crap.

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