Shin Megami Tensei Comes to Nintendo Switch

By Adam Riley 20.01.2017 1

Shin Megami Tensei Comes to Nintendo Switch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

As revealed during the Nintendo Switch Livestream event, Atlus has revealed a new HD title in its long-running hardcore RPG franchise, Shin Megami Tensei. The new game, which is known only with the placeholder moniker Shin Megami Tensei Brand New Title for now, will be released on the Nintendo Switch.

Atlus USA currently has no information about a localisation for this title, but with the strong track-record of games from the series making their way Westwards nowadays, hopes are high that this exciting project will also come across. No doubt a formal announcement will be made later for this title if/when a localisation gets confirmed.

What are you expecting from this new Shin Megami Tensei?

Box art for Shin Megami Tensei V





Turn Based RPG



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This is huge in so many ways. Most of the best 3DS experiences not made by Nintendo were made by Atlus, and if they will start working on titles for the Switch I see no reason it will not become the system with the strongest library of games since the SNES.

( Edited 31.01.2017 22:20 by Andre Eriksson )

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

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