Has-Been Heroes Stumble onto Nintendo Switch

By Adam Riley 20.01.2017

Has-Been Heroes Stumble onto Nintendo Switch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Frozenbyte, the same team that brought the Trine series, has confirmed Has-Been Heroes is coming to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Has-Been Heroes is a challenging, roguelike game of strategy and action, featuring a band of heroes on a quest to escort the King's twin princesses to the Princess Academy. The road is fraught with peril.

Has-Been Heroes is coming to retail shelves for a wide variety of systems in March 2017 and will cost US$19.99, published by GameTrust. It's been in the works for a long time and the team working on it is apparently still playing the heck out of the game every day.

Embark on an epic journey with the Has-Been Heroes, a group of legendary champions once celebrated throughout the kingdom for their heroic deeds - they have killed rats, rescued a prince, fought wars, slain a dragon... The kingdom prospered and peace prevailed. Legends grew old, and stories faded. The heroes weren't needed. Then, after years of peace, the King has one more quest, a quest so important he can only trust to his epic band of heroes, the toughest and bravest in all the kingdom. A quest of epic proportions... to take the twin princesses to school!

  • Meet the epic band of heroes as the young and eager Rogue and join the company of the giant-wrestling Warrior Crux and Monk Metacles the wise… and many more;
  • Unlock and collect hundreds of game-changing items and spells, boosting the heroes' powers and making each run unique;
  • Combine spells such as the fiery Burning Blade and poison-infecting Baleful Breeze for devastating effects, learning the power of magic as you gain more elements;
  • Face countless monsters from smelly-breath skeletons to zombies and evil spirits, each bigger and more menacing than the next. Can you wipe out the army of evil led by the Great Ghoul?
  • In roguelike fashion, death is permanent - but you will get another chance! Choose your heroes and tactics wisely, and prepare for battle!
Cubed3 went hands-on with the game at the recent Nintendo Switch Premiere and will have a full report up very soon.

Box art for Has-Been Heroes



GameTrust Games





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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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