FAST Racing Neo Gets F-Zero Voice Actor

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.09.2015 2

FAST Racing Neo Gets F-Zero Voice Actor on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

FAST Racing Neo will get closer to the F-Zero experience with the addition of Jack Merluzzi for voice acting.

One of the franchises that fans have cried out for in any shape or form has to be the F-Zero series. It's been a number of years since Nintendo released a new F-Zero title, namely down to a lack of being able to conjure up something innovative for it.

To fill the futuristic racing void on Wii U, indie studio Shin'en has been working on FAST Racing Neo. One of the game's features will be some voice work, and F-Zero GX actor Jack Merluzzi has joined the team to provide track and vehicle announcements etc.

Image for FAST Racing Neo Gets F-Zero Voice Actor

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Box art for Fast Racing Neo








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Awesome stuff! The more I hear about this game, the more excited I am for it.

The thing that separates f-zero from most racers is the characters. Fast Racing League could do with some similar to lend it some charm. 

That's a very good point actually! Would be good to see if they have some faces to these pilots, rather than just pick a vehicle

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