Start Your Play Journals in Miiverse Today

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.07.2015

Start Your Play Journals in Miiverse Today on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest changes to Nintendo's social network, Miiverse, are now live as part of a major update.

The redesign, which includes tweaks to the user interface, also comes with new features that improve the way that users share tips, drawings and comments on Wii U and 3DS games.

As a recap, the Miiverse updates include:

  • Screen Shot Album - Private album for players that can hold up to 100 snaps from different games, can be arranged neatly too.
  • Play Journal - Share updates on games by simply opening up Miiverse during a compatible title. These can also be made available per game, making it easier for players to find tips and shared experiences.
  • Drawings - Nintendo are now grouping together drawings on Miiverse, displayed by order of popularity.
  • Discussions - Drawings are now filtered out of general discussions, making it easier to skim through comments on a game.
Miiverse can be accessed on both Wii U and 3DS consoles, plus through the browser version.

What features would you like to see incorporated into Miiverse in the future? 

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