Nintendo Reassures Fans on Miiverse Changes

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.07.2015

Nintendo Reassures Fans on Miiverse Changes on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's Erika has commented on feedback on the upcoming Miiverse changes for this summer.

Nintendo are rolling out a wide range of tweaks to the social network over the coming months, with a personal screenshot album, play journal and a new look for communities. However, these changes have lead some fans to have concerns on the changes to the Activity Feed and posting limitations.

Erika re-assured Miiverse users over some of the changes, as Nintendo wants to keep Miiverse game-centred, rather than having too many "long chats that are not strictly game-related."

1.) You will be able to attach screenshots to your drawings in the Drawings section.

2.) It will be possible to post the screenshots saved in your Album section into your Play Journal.

3.) We are planning to enable the posting of screenshots saved in the Album also into the "Drawings" and "Discussion" sections. This will be implemented sometime in the near future.

4.) Posts and comments made before the renewal will not be deleted and will be viewable also after the renewal.

5.) The Activity Feed will remain as it is, you just won't be able to post in it. You can still see the posts made by your friends and the people that you are following.

What are your thoughts on the upcoming Miiverse changes?

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