Lights, Camera, Action! | Talking Pictures Podcast: Episode 08

By Freda Cooper 17.07.2015

Image for Lights, Camera, Action! | Talking Pictures Podcast: Episode 08

This week's Talking Pictures, the audio version of Lights, Camera, Action!, is out now and puts Ant-Man, the new superhero movie from Marvel, under the microscope. The film's star, Paul Rudd, is in the hot seat for the Big Interview, giving it large about that shrinking feeling! Host Freda Cooper also casts her eye over new DVDs X+Y and The Voices, and her essential guide to the movies, which is packed into just over 15 minutes, also includes the new top five at the British Box Office - it's a record breaker! - as well as the week's movie news.

Listen to Talking Pictures on iTunes, TuneIn or right here on Cubed3:

Don't forget to stay up to date with the latest on Talking Pictures by hitting 'Like' on the official Facebook page and following Freda on Twitter.

Plug in those headphones and, as well as listening to the show, vote for it as well in the UK Podcasters Awards. Follow this link, hit the red voting button, and it's done!

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