Langrisser Re:Incarnation Trailers Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.07.2015 2

Introducing new characters in trailers for 3DS JRPG, Langrisser Re:Incarnation.

Langrisser Re:Incarnation takes place within a flooded world, following the tale of the protagonist chap who wields the Excalibur blade and embarks on a quest to reunite with a childhood friend.

Earlier this week, Extreme Games released a handful of new gameplay trailers for Langrisser Re:Incarnation which showcase the different factions in the story, an overview of the gameplay designs and some of the new characters to play as. There's a fair bit of flesh, as per usual!






Are you a fan of the Langrisser series?

Box art for Langrisser Re:Incarnation -Tensei-








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Dont remember for sure, but wasnt langrisser DIFFERENT than a fire emblem clone back in the snes days?

Our member of the week

Dragon0085 said:
Dont remember for sure, but wasnt langrisser DIFFERENT than a fire emblem clone back in the snes days?

It was a tactical RPG with a similar interface, but which played different enough that it wasn't as much of a clone as, say, Tear Ring Saga on PSX Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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