Nintendo's Digital Sales Increase by 30%

By Shanker Varma 09.05.2015 1


Nintendo's financial results briefing for the fiscal year ending March 2015 revealed some information about digital sales for Nintendo. Download sales grew dramatically to each a total value of 31.3 billion yen over the full fiscal year. President Iwata said that the 30% increase in digital sales, compared to the previous fiscal year, could be attributed to factors such as increased sales of software for the Wii U and 3DS family of consoles, especially in overseas markets i.e. Europe and America.
The limitations of Nintendo account systems on Wii U consoles and the 3DS family of consoles make some gamers apprehensive about buying digital games from the eShop but, as the report shows, more and more consumers are moving towards digital distribution. Nintendo's partnership with DeNA earlier this year shows the company's interest in developing its online presence to address such concerns and make digital gaming more accessible for both its current and potential customers.

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