Fossil Fighters Frontier Out 29th May in Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.04.2015

Fossil Fighters Frontier Out 29th May in Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Prehistoric beasts are primed to chomp away on Nintendo 3DS, with Fossil Fighters Frontier due out next month.

Nintendo of Europe confirmed the news earlier today, with the action packed portable adventure now set to release on 29th May. 

In the game, players hop into explorer vehicles and drive about exotic locations to excavate lost dinosaur fossils. The aim? To resurrect these creatures into real-life dinosaurs known as "Vivosaurs". These newly breathing creatures are then thrown into the heat of battle against one another.

The game also supports six-play local battles, together with online co-operative play, where players band together to dig up as part of a three-person team.

Will you join the dinosaur party on Nintendo 3DS next month?

Box art for Fossil Fighters: Frontier
Also known as

Fossil Fighters: Infinite Gear









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