Meet the Persona Q Voice Actors, New Character Trailers

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.10.2014 1

Meet the Persona Q Voice Actors, New Character Trailers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Watch more videos from Persona Q, including voice acting and two character trailers.

The upcoming cross-over adventure, which features the casts of both Persona 3 and Persona 4, is weaving its way exclusively to Nintendo 3DS with the gameplay mechanics of the popular Etrian Oddysey series. The first of the videos takes a look at the voice acting behind the series, and how the localisation teams brought the original Japanese script to the West.


Additionally, trailers of Rei and Aigis introduce both characters, detailing their involvement in Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth.



Will you pick up a copy of Persona Q next month?

Box art for Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth





Turn Based RPG



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shes a cute voice actress... 9/10, would take out to dinner.

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