Vote | Best Nintendo 3DS Game 2013

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.12.2013 7

Image for Vote | Best Nintendo 3DS Game 2013

Portables ruled the roost during 2013 and there have been a critically acclaimed set of 3DS games to experience this year. Which pocket gem was your favourite?
The Nintendo 3DS has gone from strength to strength this year, with a key set of releases from fan favourite Pokémon X/Y to the grand strategy RPG Fire Emblem Awakening. Bravely Default stepped into western shores for the first time, and Animal Crossing: New Leaf made a legion of new friends on the Nintendo 3DS. Together with the launch of the new Nintendo 2DS, players have a wide assortment of different genres to tap onto at home and on the move.

It's now time to vote for your favourite 3DS game released in 2013 - which of the following is your favourite? Pick a title in the poll and be sure to share your thoughts below:

Image for Vote | Best Nintendo 3DS Game 2013


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Saved the two best until the end of the year in my opinion, Can you imagine how well the Wii-U would be doing if it had a software lineup like that? Or even if it was just called Wii-2.

Shawn (guest) 17.12.2013#2

Loooooved Zelda ALBW! Check out my video review for it on youtube - -- it'll change yo LIFE

Jacob (guest) 18.12.2013#3

Gotta give it to Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Those other games were fun, but taking down huge monsters is just so satisfying.

Holy crap. I thought Pokemon X & Y was a given, lots of Animal Crossing fans here it seems!

matt (guest) 19.12.2013#5

Why is shin megami tensei 4 not in the poll but overlocked is? zz

matt (guest) said:
Why is shin megami tensei 4 not in the poll but overlocked is? zz

As this is a UK-based website, the polls are based on European releases.

A bit late on this but my vote for best 3DS game for 2013 would be Animal Crossing: New Leaf

There s always a kid inside each of us

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