Animal Crossing Leads Euro eShop Updates: 13/06

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.06.2013

Animal Crossing Leads Euro eShop Updates: 13/06 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have detailed this week's 3DS eShop and Wii Shop digital releases in Europe including GameGear games and Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

The 3DS eShop will be filled with portable classics from SEGA including the GameGear vrsion of Sonic the Hedgehog, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine and the popular Shining Force: Sword of Hajya.  The star of the eShop show this week, however, is the much anticipated launch of the latest Animal Crossing, which will be available at midnight on Friday 14th June.

3DS eShop Releases

Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) - 14 June - €39.99 (£34.99)

Sonic the Hedgehog (3DS VC - GameGear) - 13 June - €4.99 (£4.49)

Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (3DS VC - GameGear) - 13 June - €2.99 (£2.69)

Shining Force: Sword of Hajya (3DS VC - GameGear) - 13 June - €3.99 (£3.59)

Columns (3DS VC - GameGear) - €3.99 (£3.59)

Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns (3DS) - 13 June - €29.99 (£24.99)

4 Elements (3DS) - 13 June - €12.00 (£10.79)

Petz Fantasy 3D (3DS) - 13 June - €19.99 (£17.99)

Luxor (3DS) - 13 June - €11.99 (£10.79)

Wii Shop Releases

The Path of the Warrior Art of Fighting 3 (Wii VC - NeoGeo) - 13 June - 900 Points

Special Offers

Mario & Yoshi (Wii U VC - SNES) - 13 June - 30p, €0.30 till 12 July 2013.

Which of these Nintendo eShop games will you be downloading this week?

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