Crysis 3 Was Close to Launching on Wii U but "Had to Die"

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.03.2013 13

Crysis 3 Was Close to Launching on Wii U but "Had to Die" on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Crysis 3 was on the brink of a Nintendo Wii U release, according to developer Crytek in a recently interview.

The eagerly anticipated Crysis 3 was denied a Wii U release earlier this year due to business decisions between Nintendo and EA, but now Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli has revealed that the studio had been working on the Wii U version prior to negotiations, with the build practically ready to roll.

Speaking to VentureBeat Yerli noted that "we were very close to launching it" and because it can't be published by Crytek themselves, "Crysis 3 on Wii U had to die."

Should Nintendo and/or EA pull get on the ball with key multiplatform releases like Crysis 3? Would you buy the game if it were to hit Nintendo Wii U eventually?

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That rumour about Nintendo declining EA's offer to run the entire Nintendo Network through the Origin system and EA promptly pulling their Wii U support afterwards is sounding more and more plausible with each case.

i would have bought Wii U version rather than any other. Shame Smilie Oh well, It'll be PS3 version then

( Edited 02.03.2013 20:22 by Nintendoro )

Well, what do ya know?! Damn!


Gamer Bob (guest) 02.03.2013#5

I'd have bought this on the Wii U.  I didn't, and won't for my PS3.

EA's loss.

I definitely would have bought it for Wii U, but I won't be playing it at all now.

The more I hear about Origin, the more I understand Nintendo doesn't let EA do whatever they want on their system.

It's a shame really, Wii U could definitely use the support.

The problem I have with Crysis, is the same problem I have with the conduit and halo. They lack character.

Carmine (guest) 02.03.2013#9

Its really a catch 22- no third party support- no sales of the system- low sales- no third parties- really bs! I love my wii u

QuanManChu (guest) 03.03.2013#10

I'm more and more disappointed in EA as the days roll on. 


Chance favors the prepared mind.

SirLink said:
That rumour about Nintendo declining EA's offer to run the entire Nintendo Network through the Origin system and EA promptly pulling their Wii U support afterwards is sounding more and more plausible with each case.

Well if this is true then I can see why Nintendo would decline, even though EA offered to run everything themselves I can see Nintendo's concern in this. Nintendo is still very considerate of how people should behave online & wants to avoid 12 year old foul mouth Halo players from ruining the fun of online play. EA shouldn't have taken offense to was really their loss & I hope another publisher picks this up cause it'd be GREAT help to Nintendo to have this game.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
SirLink said:
That rumour about Nintendo declining EA's offer to run the entire Nintendo Network through the Origin system and EA promptly pulling their Wii U support afterwards is sounding more and more plausible with each case.

Well if this is true then I can see why Nintendo would decline, even though EA offered to run everything themselves I can see Nintendo's concern in this. Nintendo is still very considerate of how people should behave online & wants to avoid 12 year old foul mouth Halo players from ruining the fun of online play. EA shouldn't have taken offense to was really their loss & I hope another publisher picks this up cause it'd be GREAT help to Nintendo to have this game.

Look no further than to the today/yesterday's launch of SimCity as to why no company should let EA run their online.

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