Need for Speed: Most Wanted Wii U Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.01.2013

Need for Speed: Most Wanted Wii U Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Deep within the North American release dates for 3DS and Wii U was a mention for EA's Need for Speed: Most Wanted, out on 19th March.

Not much was known about the illusive Nintendo Wii U edition until today, when EA defined the project as an "Enhanced Version" that boasts a set of exclusive features over its console brothers.

The Wii U edition includes a local co-op feature dubbed "Co-Driver", where a second player uses the Wii Remote or Pro controller to do the driving, whilst the GamePad user acts as a human navigator with a real-time map.

The GamePad partner can tweak the weather settings, distract police and vary other conditions like traffic levels and car performance. Those wanting to take the racing action away from the TV can also use the GamePad for off-TV play.

Image for Need for Speed: Most Wanted Wii U Details

This is the ultimate advantage for gamers who like to stir up trouble for the cops, their friends or just for fun.

Finally the Wii U version includes the "Ultimate Speed Pack", with a selection of nifty vehicles to use - F1 LM, Aventador J, Pagani Zonda R, Hennessey's Venom GT Spyder and Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse.

Will you be hitting the streets with Criterion and Need for Speed: Most Wanted on Nintendo Wii U?

Box art for Need For Speed: Most Wanted








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