Project X Zone Price Slashed in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.01.2013 3

Project X Zone Price Slashed in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Project X Zone on Nintendo 3DS has been discounted at a Japanese retailer in Japan in what appears to be a bid to shift existing stock - including the initial limited edition box-set.

Project X Zone boasts a strong roster of playable and cameo characters across multiple popular franchises and sold moderately well in Japan during its opening weeks.

The original retail price came in at 6,280 Yen (£45 / $70), but has now been chopped down to a wallet-happy 980 Yen (£6 / $11), a chunky 85% off - making a Western release fairly unlikely unless Namco Bandai decide to perhaps give it a go on the Nintendo 3DS eShop at some point.

It's also uncertain whether similar price cuts will be available at other retailers, or whether its an isolated sale - however a drastic drop is fairly significant for a game boasting a wide range of fan-favourites.

Box art for Project X Zone



Namco Bandai





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This looks like a game i'd like to import, too bad about the region lock. Sad times :-(

Bizarre that the game is underperforming in Japan, I can't tell if that means a localisation is more of less likely.. surely Capcom have noticed the Western hype for the game (which is probably all fan-service based, I kinda doubt the gameplay itself is much to write home about)

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I think it's because the RPG genre is slowly dying out in Japan as far as popularity goes. A big change but unsurprising one for Japan, but UK and USA still love their RPGs. At least I do.

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