Iwata on Unreal Engine 4, Third Party Announcements for Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.07.2012 7

Iwata on Unreal Engine 4, Third Party Announcements for Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The man behind Nintendo, Satoru Iwata, was recently quizzed on the third party approach to Wii U, and if the system would be able to run Unreal Engine 4 eventually.

The Independent Newspaper recently sat down with Nintendo president to discuss the Wii U and upcoming 3DS XL, and one of the aspects touched upon was the third party support.

Despite having a comprehensive catalogue of first and third party titles to get started when the system arrives this fall, there has been a lack of certain franchises and key players from the system. Some, like EA have promised announcements later this year, and others have kept schtum.

Iwata has highlighted that not all projects have been touched upon, and certain third party games will be announced when Nintendo finally confirms a release date and price-point for Wii U.

Obviously before making the Wii U public we had to proactively go out to those third-party publishers because otherwise we would never have something for the launch of our system.??

I think some of these projects have already been announced at E3, but there are other games in the works that haven’t been announced yet and in the autumn, when we announce price point and timing of the launch, we will also be able to announce some more third-party titles.

Iwata was also asked about the potential ability to approach Epic Games on hosting the forthcoming Unreal Engine 4 on the new system to ensure that third parties using the technology to port their titles to the Wii U.

I think that the Wii U will be powerful enough to run very high spec games but the architecture is obviously different than other consoles so there is a need to do some tuning if you really want to max out the performance.

We’re not going to deliver a system that has so much horsepower that no matter what you put on there it will run beautifully, and also, because we’re selling the system with the GamePad, which adds extra cost to the package - we don’t want to inflate the cost of each unit by putting in excessive CPU power.

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This guy has a good business head on his shoulders considering Nintendo isn't as in contact with the multimedia world as other console creators..

He seems quite optimistic, apparently he really wants to push the online features of the system which Miyamoto is against.
It's pretty good Miyamoto stepped down from his high position in the company if that's the case.

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SuperLink said:

He seems quite optimistic, apparently he really wants to push the online features of the system which Miyamoto is against.

Where did you read that Miyamoto was against the online features of Wii U?

I don't know about the rest of you gents, but to me that sounded like a "No, we won't be pursuing UE4 for Wii U."

( Edited 13.07.2012 08:04 by Hawk )

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

We'll get gorgeous looking games (I mean look at ZombiU, Assassins 3 demos already)and that's promised. UE4 can be downgraded to fit Wii U according to Epic, and that sounds SEXY, baby! All we need now is prey for the best of 3rd party support like Battlefield, Dead space, Crysis, COD...

It still doesnt make too much sense to me saying a engine will/wont work on a system.
Its the Assets (polygons,textures) that determain both the majority of the look, as well as how much gpu it needs for a decent framerate.

An engine might have many cool features - but how much effort does it take NOT to use a feature if the system cant manage it? Surely just not using X,Y or Z is no effort at all :?
Anyway, the only engine I hope gets lots and lots of use on the WiiU is whatever the hell Xenoblade was using - I want lots of games with those insanely large seemless landscapes!

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Theonerm2 (guest) 28.07.2012#7

I'm getting it just for the exclusives. I can't live without my Mario games.

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